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"The only thing I need is an orgasm." Devi's voice echoes through the house.

Slapping my hands over Winter's ears, I widen my eyes at Penelope, and she bites down on her lips, stopping herself from laughing. Horus jerking awake inside of me. Our mate is in need somewhere in the house.

A smug Penelope takes the girls hands in hers and raises an accusatory brow at me. "You going to deal with that? Or are you coming with us?"

To stunned to speak, my mouth opens and closes like a fish begging for breath. "I.. uhh.. I'll just.. Take the girls, I'll meet you up there in a.. in a bit." I finally manage to speak, tripping over my words.

"Sure." She drags out the word, tugging the girls with her as she heads for the stairs. "Let's go girls, who wants to pick the first movie?"

Watching them climb the steps, I try to process what Devi had said. Did I hallucinate it? No, it had to be real. Horus wouldn't get this worked up if it wasn't. His eagerness to find her pushed me from my spot in the entryway down the hall.

Muffled voices coming from the sitting room, I quicken my steps. Worry building inside of me, Devi might be speaking to another man, another man that might assist her. When I finally step into the large room, all that fear fades away, and I can't help but grin. Devis eyes meet mine instantly, and she leaps towards me. "Do you fuck women with your brother?"

Shocked, the air leaves my lungs and I bend over coughing, surprised by her words. In the background of my fit I can hear Claire's laugh. "Damn, I have to make more of that. This is fucking gold."

"Zip it!" Ric shouts, pulling me back to reality as I take deep breaths filling my lungs. Devi's scent wrapping its way around me, seeping into my lungs with every breath.

Looking up, Devi stands infront of me. A delicate hand on her chest, she reaches for my shoulder and I can't help but sag into her touch. "Are you okay?"

Snorting, my brother stomps across the room and throws himself down on one of the couches. "We have never fucked, as you put it, with anyone, together."

Devi's face lights up at the information and she steps closer, invading my space, her chest a bare whisper from me. "I could be your first."

For the second time, Devi shocks me speechless. Looking at my brother my eyebrows shoot to my hairline, waiting for some sort of explanation for her actions and behavior.

"Claire tried drugging Hailey and Heath and now... well Devi's a bit outspoken." Baldric groans, folding his arms over his face as he lays on the sofa.

"Potion, not drugs. Never drugs. She'll be fine. A little honestly never hurt anyone. So what if she want to.. you know. Wolves do it everywhere here. The last time I went to get herbs I seen two wolves banging in my greenhouse. It's their nature, your nature." Claire defends herself.

Glancing down at Devi she slides her hand down my arm and laces her fingers with mine, biting down on her lip as she stares up into my eyes. "Do you want to? Ric wouldn't."

Frowning down at her I ponder Claire's words. Horus begging me to say yes as I weigh the pros and cons. "Honesty potion?"

"Yeah, seemed like a better option than casting the spell every time. Takes less magic and you guys could us it while I'm away." Claire explains, shifting on her feet.

"Then why is she.." Devi's fingers squeeze mine and I gaze back down into her emerald eyes. "Why are you.."

"Horny as fuck." Baldric grunts from under his arms, finishing my sentence.

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