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Everyone's quieter today, tired, last night took a lot out of us. After the ceremony and run I'd sworn Lily into the pack and she has been growling at me since. Thankfully she's doing it through our link and not openly, in front of everyone. Devina is exhausted, my brother made sure of it. The two of them ran longer than anyone else, then they made love all night. I had other plans unfortunately.

When my stomach growls I glance at the time and roll my chair back. Tossing my pen onto the desk, I scratch my jaw and eye the map of our new land. The houses now labeled with everyone's names that will need to move and those that will be staying in their old houses. After dinner I'll mark up the map holding our original land and houses. Then, hopefully, by the end of the month everyone will be moved and settling in. The green moss pack joining us has taken a lot of work.

Sliding out of my chair and walking out of the office I push up my sleeves. My mind on Devi as I drag my feet towards the dinning room. I'll be early for dinner, but I need a moment alone with her. "Come meet me downstairs, I want to talk before everyone gets here." I link my mate.

Her hum through our bond the only response I get, I groan as I slump into my chair and rake my fingers through my hair.

She had a vision and if I wasn't accidentally spying into her thoughts I don't think I'd of found out. I doubt she'll tell me the truth when I bring it up, but I was trying to be optimistic. Goddess, I pray she doesn't tell Baldric and he hasn't found out.

Ric didn't know, he couldn't, if he did the house would have been much louder. My brother was too passionate to keep quiet, especially about something like this.

Soft footsteps grace my ears and I can smell her before I can see her. Horus more than happy to be in her presence, even this far, I lean back in my chair and the weight on my shoulders fades.

Pulling her chair out beside me I stay seated and turn my head to watch as she walks into the room. I can't help but grin once I spot Devi. Dressed in my shirt, it hangs on her frame. Baldrics socks on her feet, one pulled up high while the other scrunched together at her ankle, she slides across the floor towards me. "Hi." She sighs, smiling slightly, moving to sit in her chair I scoop her into my lap instead.

"You kept a secret. I thought we weren't doing that?" I huff, hating that I have to bring it up.

Her nose wrinkles and she squirms. "What secret?"

Pushing her hair over her shoulder, I run my hand down her back. "Alpha Alexander."

I was trying my best to be calm, to keep my wolf locked inside, but all I wanted to do was scream. That wasn't who I was though, no matter how mad I was.

Wide eyes gaze up at me and Devi swallows audibly. "I-i.."

"Don't.. You have to tell me everything, Devina." I cut her off.

Covering her face with her hands she nods, leaning into my chest as she props her feet on the arm of my chair. "He was my Alpha. It's all kind of hazy now, the reason why. I thought it was because my father mated with my step mom, but I seen.. I saw something else this morning after breakfast. My dad told me I'd get visions once I mated, that they're gifts from the Goddess. I don't think I agree anymore. I was excited to.. well that doesn't matter. Anyways, I seen Alpha Alexander do something, something bad. Ric's going to kill him isn't he? You know, don't you? You're going to tell him, aren't you?"

"I do, but I won't be telling him. That's up to you, if he knows, what happens after." I whisper, wrapping my arms around her. Tucking her head under my chin I choke back my cries as I try to force her sadness from my bones. My poor mate. My beautiful, strong, spectacular mate.

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