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The underground prison is quiet today. After a guard pointed me in the right direction it was pretty easy to find Claire. Had he not I'd have been wandering down here for hours, possibly even days if I was honest. The closer I got to her I couldn't help the way my heart sped up.

It couldn't be him. No, it.. it wasn't possible.

My bare feet made it easy to rid the space between Claire, the Alpha and I unnoticed. Silently, I peaked into the cell and the air was sucked from my lungs and I started to choke and cough.

"Oh, Goddess! Devi, you startled me. What's up, girl?" Claire jumped around.

Bent over, hands on my knees, I try to take small breaths until I can straighten my back. Placing an unreadable mask on my face I shake off the memories creeping into my mind. "Hey, sorry. Uhm, Ric and Gabe want to see you upstairs but I was wondering if you'd unlock Lily's door for me first. They were going to come down with me but Luna Margaret had something to discuss."

Claire's eyebrows shoot up and she hops over Alexander's limp body on the floor. "Yes, of course."

The second she's out of his cell I turn and walk away, forcing myself to slow down while Minsi begs me to run. Biting down on my lips I clench my fists at my side and turn as soon as I can so I don't have to share the same space as that man.

"How was your night with the girls? They seem to be doing better the more they're around you. I hardly have to take any of their pain away now. They seemed excited even, the other day." Claire chirps, hooking her arm around mine. "I was thinking tonight we could plan how we were going to do the swearing in ceremony. Adira, Noal and Evan were already together when they received their title. What do you think about cream? I think if we team up we could switch the pack colours to something more neutral. I mean green isn't too bad, we could also just go green and keep the same pack name. That would be a good compromise. Then the Green Moss pack would feel more comfortable, and our people wouldn't have to wear purple all the damn time. I could easily change the colour of the cloaks and it would be so beautiful. Baldric and Gabriel would swear you in first, then we could do the blood oaths. A quick pack run and maybe a nice dinner or maybe a band and some dancing to finish off the night. Gabriel had all these lights put up around the pack so we wouldn't have to do very much decorating if we held the celebration outside. Some tables and chairs, maybe a solid dancefloor so the ladies can wear heels if they'd like. Oh, it is going to be so fun, Devi." She rambled on.

Nodding, I tug her along towards Lily's cell. I had to do this now before Alexander told them anything. This would be my last chance and I had to make it worth it. No holding back this time.

Noticing Claire had gone silent I perked up and faked a smile. "Yeah, that sounds great, Claire."

Stopping me infront of Lily's cell, Claire grins. "Great. I'll tell the guys what we decided and get everything started. The next full moons in four days and it'll be tight but I can make it work. Leah will help me, she loves these things."

Not sure exactly what we'd decided, I grin. "Awesome. I can't wait. You should probably go now, though. The whole gangs waiting for you in their office."

"Oh, right. Okay, well I'll bring some catalogues later for us to look at after dinner. Hailey said you were training today with the rest of the girls so I'll let you get to it before she drags you out there." A bright light trickles from her hand to the door and it pops open. "I'll let the guard know you'll need a key to get out when you're done. Just hollar and I'm sure he'll hear."

"Thanks." I exhale.

Stepping into the cell Claire shuts the door behind me and I wave her goodbye. Glancing down at Lily, I chew on the inside of my cheek. Waiting until I can't hear Claire anymore I pray to the Moon Goddess this works. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I need to do this fast. Laying on her side I squat down beside lily and bite down on my hand, letting Minsi push forward enough for my teeth to sharpen, blood coating the inside of my mouth.

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