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Walking through the front door of the home I grew up in felt different this time. I could barely understand it all, the changes that have been made. I was there, I was present. I watched and was a part of deaths I know could have been prevented. Standing in the front foyer covered in the blood of innocent broken wolves feels wrong now. More so than it ever did. The smell used to bother me and now the only bothersome thought is what if I killed someone's Lily.

And I couldn't stop thinking that I probably had. I killed someone, multiple others that were loved, and it weighed heavy in my chest as I climbed the stairs with my brother behind me.

No words were needed, no thoughts shared, as we made our way into our bedroom and threw it to the bathroom. Baldric sighed as he turned on the shower and I yanked off my clothes, praying I never see them again in my wardrobe.

Before the water even had time to get warm I stepped beneath the showerhead. Dirt, sweat and blood trickling down my body turning my stomach as I held back the disgust. The gruesome remains of my actions washing away right infront of my eyes.

My brother was faster than me. Lathering his body, scrubbing so hard at his skin I could see it go raw under the pressure of his loofah. Me, I simply stood frozen until the water ran clear, then grabbed onto some soap and a cloth to wipe away the smell and whatever was left over on my body.

"I was organizing Devi and Lily's ceremony earlier, do you think I should postpone it?" Ric sighs, his voice wavering, full of emotion.

Clearing my throat, I shake my head. "No."

Devi being sworn in, becoming Luna, might be the only thing capable of brightening spirits. The pack could use something to celebrate. What better than us becoming whole.

Rinsing off the suds and taking a minute to breath I let out a deep breath, groaning. "Whatever you had planned, double it. I want more food, more booze, more everything. Our people need something else to focus on other than.. what happened." I stumble over my words, trying to find the right way to say they needed a distraction from all the death, the killing, the hurt.

"Sure." Baldric huff's, "I'll swear in the new wolves later so they can run with us after too."

My brother's words shake me from my thoughts and I turn off my water to get out of the shower. His hand stretched out towards me, passing me a towel, I take it. "I usually do that."

Shrugging, Baldric leaves me alone in the bathroom. "You need to go see Devi. Make sure Lily is okay too while you're at it, she's acting odd."

"Odd?" I repeat, wrapping my towel around my waist and leaving the room steamy, forgetting the bloodied clothes behind me.

Standing in front of the open closet door my brother tosses clothes my way, and I catch them with one hand. "Mhmm, she said something about rogues.. something I don't know, it's just odd. She thinks, she thinks.. well it doesn't matter, she's still adjusting, but I want someone to have their eyes on her at all times. Devi too. Lily thinks she should leave." He hums, getting dressed.

"Leave?" A growl passes my lips before I can control it, my eyebrows nearly touching my hairline.

Standing, shoulders pushes back, Baldric grunting. "Like I said, it doesn't matter. Devi isn't going anywhere, I just don't want Lily putting things in her head."

"Has she told Devi she should leave?" I frown, Horus whining inside of me at the thought.

Scoffing, Ric passes me, tugging his shirt down and adjusting his pants. "I don't know and I doubt she'd tell us if we asked. So just make sure Lily doesn't repeat herself if she already has spoken to Devi about leaving. I told her I'd lock her up if she tried. I gave her rules, if Lily doesn't listen she knows what I'll do."

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