Chapter Twelve

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Standing in front of the cell doors, Claire passes two coffees to the guards and then picks up a basket full of neatly folded clothes. Her back towards me as she thanks the guard. "I'll be right back. Give those to the Alphas."

"Keep it. I'll get one on the road." I offer, spotting the folded up treadmill behind his silent partner. "Pass me that." I point behind the bulky man.

Turning instantly, he slides it across the floor towards me. "Yes, Alpha."

Running my hands through my damp hair, I eye the machine and crouch down. Picking it up on my own despite the weight, which felt somewhere around four hundred pounds, I thanked the Goddess for enhanced strength.

I hoped Devi appreciated the gesture, even if it was going to take up a lot of her space. Last night, she kept doing small excersizes to try and burn off energy, but there was only so much she could do without any equipment. Hopefully, she liked running. I guess I should have asked her that instead of asking about her favorite ice cream.

Fuck! I forgot the ice cream.

"Bring ice cream to the cell guards please, have them bring it down to me." I link the kitchen staff.

Keeping my eyes on the steps so I don't trip over them as I carry the treadmill down. At the bottom, the gaurds stand patiently with the door open, Claire long gone, skipping down the rows of cells. I can still hear the clack of her heels on the floor as she goes.

"Good morning, Alpha." One says cheerfully.

"Morning. Staff from the kitchen will be dropping off ice cream for Devi. I'm headed that way now. Bring it down right away."

Bowing their heads in unison, they respond at the same time. "Yes, Alpha." And I maneuver my way around them before putting down the treadmill and rolling it across the floor, down the rows towards Devi's cell.

It felt odd doing this for a prisoner, but I guess she isn't really one. Devi is in here because she might be a threat, not because she did anything wrong, we'll other than grapple with some boarder patrol men who went at her friend. I don't think that counted, though, because she didn't really hurt them. She just got them off her rogue.

I still wasn't going to risk it by letting a guard bring stuff in her cell. I might think she's genuine now, that her story is true even if she did leave out key points, but she still hid things she should have told us. I don't think she fully comprehends what this pack stands for. If she did, she wouldn't lie or hide anything.

With proof she's seen a rogue turn back human, we would have been obligated to help her in her cause.
I feel that way now, even though she hasn't asked, especially after Claire's little magic trick.

The clinking of chains, the sound of hushed voices, and coughs echo in the halls as I turn down towards Devi. Claire and Penelope standing together leaned into one another as they smiled and chatted with her.

"Pen, I need you to go upstairs. I'm opening her cell." I intrurupt them.

Penelope's head snaps in my direction, and she looks me up and down. "I can stay, it's fine."

Sighing, I roll my eyes and push the treadmill closer. Peaking into Devi's cell and meeting her eyes, the corner of her lips pull up as she smiles. Something I don't quite recognize sparkles in her eyes before I can figure out what it is she looks away, and I turn my attention to Penelope. "We have rules, Pen, you gotta follow them. No she-wolves are allowed down here while the doors are being opened. You know that."

Groaning, Penelope slips past us and stomps her feet. "Link me when you're done!" She yells back at me.

Claire catches my eye and smirks. "Bet you wish you could tell me to leave too, huh?"

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