
514 21 0

Angel Reese- Johnson

I posed as the photographer continued taking pictures. I'm having a photo shoot for another magazine, which is exciting.

It's something about seeing myself on magazines.

It feels good.

"Perfect, beautiful Angel" the photographer spoke before stopping, "That wraps up this round, we're gonna do another outfit change"

"Fifteen minute break" somebody yelled which made me happy

I walked away heading straight to my water before drinking it. I dragged my chair in front of the fan and just sat there cooling off.

It's hot.

After sitting there for another two minutes I got up. I went to one of conference room they have here.

Au'jaeuh is doing her homeschooling for the morning. I'm happy that her teacher travels because I don't know how else it'll work.

She's a lifesaver.

"Is she good?" I asked Mrs.Kromer before receiving a nod

"Yes, we just finished everything up actually. She took her placement test and she has the highest score"

"Out of the whole K-3?" I asked before receiving a nod and my mouth dropped, "Oh my god, Jaeuh that's good"

She a genius, we might as well start looking for colleges. It's only right.

"I'm not surprised at her score" Ms. Kromer said causing me to chuckle a little, "But I wanted to speak with you about her score and eligibility"


"Whenever you have time is fine, it doesn't have to be now"

"Can we video call later tonight?" I asked before she just gave me a friendly nod

"Of course, just let me know when you're ready"  

We exchanged a few more words before she left and I took Jaeuh. Au'jaeuh does her schooling from nine to eleven.

That's Monday to Thursday, Friday's is nine to twelve. Of course, she get breaks in between cause she ain't set up to sit.

"You finna go with grandma" I told Jaeuh before she shook her head, "Yes you are"


"You are"

"Why?" she asked causing me to stop and just look at her. I'm so sick of her questioning me every time I say something.

Like, who do she think she is?

"Because I said so, so don't ask why. Sit down so I can change my clothes"

"I don't want grandma" she mumbled while approaching me

"Sit down in that chair" I pointed while taking off my blazer, "Don't come to me, you need to sit down"

Instead of going back and forth with her I just sat her down myself. She got back up, which irritated me a little.


"Where's my mom?" I asked myself because she was supposed to be here ten minutes ago

I don't know where Flau'jae went, but she said she'll be back. She's been gone for a hour with no explanation.

It's no telling where she's at or what she's doing. I'm confused cause we're in Tallahassee, she don't know nobody here.

I heard a knock at the door before opening it a little and peaking out.

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