
664 24 0

Angel Reese-Johnson

I pulled out of the parking lot of the doctors. Au'jaeuh had a appointment, but when we got in there they had her scheduled for shots.

I canceled it and rescheduled because it's gonna put her in a bad mood. Every time she gets a shot, she's cranky and tired.

We're going with Endyia to do the double date, and she can't be cranky. I know Flau'jae said no, but what she don't know won't hurt, right?

If she finds out, I don't know what she's gonna do. Usually, I can predict her reaction, but this is different.

She really can't stand Endyia, so if she finds out it's over with for me.

Once we pulled outside of the set restaurant we planned to meet at, I got nervous.

"God please don't let crazy find out" I prayed out loud to myself, "I don't have time"

For a second, I sat there debating on if I should go through with it. I'm aware that if I don't listen then I'm disrespecting her wishes.

If I do, it's a chance she don't find out and Jaeuh makes a friend. I took my seatbelt off once I decided to go through with it.

"Come on, beautiful" I said to Jaeuh while reaching back and unbuckling her car seat

"Mommy?" she called out softly to me

"Yes, baby?"

"I go with you?" she asked before I nodded while pulling her into the front seat with me

"Yes, you're going with me, you think I'm gonna leave you?" I said her before placing a kiss on her forehead


"I would never leave my favorite girl, never. You look so pretty, mommy girl. Let's take a picture"

I grabbed my phone and went to the camera before we started taking pictures.

"I do it" Jaeuh said before taking the phone from me and I just watched amused. My baby is growing up on me, and it makes me sad.

"Who taught you how to do that?" I chuckled while watching her adjust the camera

"Mama K take pictures with me"

"You and your grandma, I don't know what to do with y'all. Come on, baby"

We got out the car before making our way inside. Endyia was here before us, so we sat where she was sitting already.

I'm glad she chose a booth.

"She is so cute" I complimented her daughter, Journei who was just staring, "Hey, pretty girl"

"Wave" Endyia instructed before Journei waved, "And why miss girl over there in your skin like that?"

"Girl this is literally all day, but she's pretending to not see y'all right now. She so shy"

"Aw, Journei tell her hey" she said before Journei did as told, "Her name is Jaeuh"

"Jaeuh say hey to her, you said wanted to see her" I said while moving her off my lap, "Say hey or wave, do something"

She buried her face in my arm before waving with her free hand. I'm not even surprised she's acting like this.

Au'jaeuh don't fuck around with nobody she don't know. They're gonna have to let her warm up before she start interacting.

Book 3: 4 bayou Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt