Chapter 48

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Rochelle watched as Deku lost it shattering the blades and cutting Shigaraki's face "Midoriya! Todoroki shouted Shigaraki was able to take advantage of Deku's state and grabbed his face bright light blinded them breaking the pair apart and Deku started falling but was unconscious  Rochelle quickly held tighter to Bakugo before wrapping her shadow around Deku,  bringing him closer reaching her shadow farther into getting Endeavor and Todoroki before all them went tumbling to the ground.

Rochelle quickly got up "Bakugo, Midoriya, Endeavor" Todoroki looked between the three panicking "They're still alive just heavily wounded," Rochelle told him quickly trying to Heal Bakugo Endeavor sat back up even Deku was conscious again crackling noise got their attention Shigaraki was suspended in mid-air by fingers were longer red and black sharp blades "Tomura no you must retreat, All for one's voice echoed through Shigaraki "your not the boss of me" Shigaraki spoke normally.

a wave of energy burst and hit Shigaraki "Everyone! Hado and Ida arrived "A gigantic villain is making his way here we've informed the Heroes fighting the Nomu over there, "Now I can see why you all didn't return promptly! " get Midoriya and the others out of here! Todoroki told Ida.

Rochelle sighed letting going of Bakugo "he's stable"  Rochelle mumbled before going over to Endeavor quickly putting more energy into healing him faster  "I have to stay near Shigaraki he's still coming after me so just take Kacchan and Endeavor" Rochelle went over to Deku "I'm going to heal you okay" she whispered.

"his healing has slowed down he's seriously weakened Hado" Todoroki ignited his left side "So many little maggots crawling around. Shigaraki's voice came out in a dark strange tone.

Todoroki sent off a huge ice attack Rochelle cursed silently "Guys the Giant! incoming" Rochelle shouted the buildings around them started to crumble as Gigantomachia started making its way over Todoroki and Hado did a combo attack on Shigaraki "Run" Endeavor shouted  Rochelle quickly picked up Deku and moved out of the way Ida grabbed Bakugo Gigantomachia in between the fight taking grabbing Shigaraki "Master I've come you will is my command so give me an order" the giant spoke in broken words.

"Oh. there you are you all look like ants from way up there" Dabi was on the back of Gigantomachia" Everyone looks like tiny little ants ah, Shoto's with you perfect "Dabi! Endeavor shouted "Hey now don't be rude you're acting like we never meet call me Toya after all it's the name you and Mom gave me" "Yeah I l know my face is pretty disgusting now but it's still surprising my own family didn't recognize me honestly it's kind of crappy or maybe it's just depressing you know?

Rochelle remembered hearing about Toya Todoroki's older brother who passed  "I didn't forget about our family I've been watching you from the shadows this entire time you know out of everyone in the world you should be beyond reproach, number one and so a pre-recorded video of my life story  is currently streaming on every device in the country."

"oh man, I didn't expect this I'm starting to have fun I wondered how I could make you suffer how I could ruin your life ever since I burned up it's all I've thought about as a kid, I didn't know why I existed I'd cling to Natsu bawling my eyes out but you didn't know did you? at first when I realized your little puppet Shoto was complete I figured I'd kill him but then, you unexpectedly became the number one hero! who would have guessed huh?

"I was suddenly so invested in your happiness can you believe in Kyushu, I was actually afraid you were going to die. I led Star-Servant and Ending to your doorstep did they make you feel like a big shot must've been a heavy burden to achieve your dream after so long but you were soothed by public admiration, weren't you? is that why you finally decided to try to bond with your children just keep looking towards the future and you could be a better man what? nothing to say?

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