Chapter 11

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Rochelle sat beside Uraraka as shinso and Midoriya walk on the platform "first up we have Midoriya Izuku from the hero course vs Shinsou Hitoshi from the department of general education!! Present Mic announced, "that dumb champ mentioned his "pride" but don't you agree he's an idiot for throwing away his chances" Shinsou sneered.

"Start!! "what did you say!! Midoriya shouted suddenly freezing all movements "No Midoriya I told you, I warned you!! Ojiro yelled from his seat "this is going to be interesting" Rochelle murmured watching the fight but also had heard their conversation.

Suddenly Midoriya started walking closer to the out-of-bounds suddenly a huge surge of power came from Midoriya Rochelle's eyes widen then settled with a smirk Midoriya suddenly comes to a halt and returns to normal.

Shinsou start shouting about how jealous he was of Midoriya suddenly Midoriya started pushing him closer to out of bounds then Shinsou Punched Midoirya back but Midoriya grabbed his arm and flip Shinsou over as Shinsou's legs and feet were out of bounds.

"Shinsou out! Midoriya advances to round 2!! Midnight Announced everyone in the general department started cheering on Shinsou. Rochelle got up from her seat "hey Rochelle where are you going? Kaminari asked Rochelle but Rochelle only replied that she was getting a drink which was a lie she was looking for the purple hair guy as she passed a vending machine and saw him on the bench staring out In the open.

Shinsou snaps out of it to see Rochelle sit beside him Shinsou only scoffed "what you here to rub it in if so please leave" Shinsou said in an annoyed tone Rochelle only laughed "no I came to talk to you as someone with a dangerous quirk" Rochelle said this perked his interest "I grew up with Midoriya since Middle school sort of, I didn't plan on getting to know people" Rochelle started before sighing.

"Part of my quirk has to do with shadows I can steal people's shadows and even go as far as controlling someone with their shadow" Rochelle explained starting at her left hand as it flickers with tiny shadows. Shinsou started at her in shock "when I was younger I accidentally harmed a friend of mine and it scared me so much I used to go around saying I was quirkless" Rochelle said letting out a dry chuckle.

"But I know the feeling of wanting to be a hero but with such a scary quirk it sucks but someone special taught me that no matter how scary your quirk maybe it how you use it t with your heart think negative then your negative, think positive then your positive" Rochelle says with a huge smile.

Shinsou stared at her in shock "uh... thank for he shies said quickly looking the other way making Rochelle giggle " Hanta Sero from the hero course vs Todoroki Shouto also from the hero course" Present mic announced Rochelle stood up from the bench and went closer to see the match Shinsou followed seconds later the stadium was cold and a huge iceberg came through on side of the audience. a sharp end of the ice stopped right in front of Rochelle's face.

Shinsou pulled Rochelle back by the arms "are you alright? Shinsou asked "yeah that's too close for comfort" Rochelle said laughing lightly "can you move? Midnight asked Sero who was covered in ice freezing and slowly shaking his no "Sero immobilized Todoroki Wins!! Midnight announced.

Rochelle sat with Shinsou on the bench watching the next round which was Kaminari vs someone from class 1-b "this is going to be interesting" Rochelle said snorting Shinsou raised his eyebrows in question, making Rochelle snort again "watch and see" Rochelle replied.

Kaminari started sparking and shooting electricity only for the girl's hair which seem to be vines absorbing the electricity making Kaminari brain dead and easy to be captured Midnight announced the girl the winner "told you" Rochelle said in a sing-song voice making Shinsou roll his eyes with a ghost smirk.

The next round is Tenya Ida from the hero course vs covered in head to toe in support items Mei Hatsume from the support course "okay why Ida is wearing support items? Rochelle asked taking a sip from her canned drink "how am I supposed to know" Shinsou replied making Rochelle snort "sorry didn't know speaking out loud is a crime" Rochelle teased back making Shinsou fake sigh shaking his head.

The match started Ida was ready to charge but wearing the gear Hatsume made she used the gear making Ida move with the gear showing off all the things it can do then Hatsume walked out of the platform Rochelle burst out laughing "you deceived me!" Ida shouts doing weird hand signs "sorry for using you like that I dislike you," Hatsume said walking away.

Rochelle got up from her seat "oh that reminds me I didn't have your number" Rochelle said pulling out her phone Shinsou looked at her with wide eyes before grabbing his phone "sure" Shinsou replied handing his phone over Rochelle typed his number in her phone and added her to his "I'll text you later my match seems to next so I'll see you around" Rochelle said handing Shinsou back his phone before walking away.

Shinsou looked at his phone on the screen and showed her contact name "the shadow" making Shinsou have a ghostly smile but stopped does she even have a plan Shinsou thought shaking his head with a heavy sigh.

Rochelle walked through the tunnel that leads to the arena we have Mina Ashido from the hero course vs Rochelle Cheney also from the hero course" Present Mic announced "let's do our best out there K" Mina asked "sure thing" Rochelle answered shaking hands Mina starts launching acid at Rochelle but Rochelle started running in circles doing flips to avoid the acid.

But stopped by the edge making Mina think she will win only for Rochelle to stop her shadow making her freeze "eh! Mina exclaimed Rochelle taking advantage by quickly unfreezing her grabbing onto the sleeve of her shirt pulling her towards herself making Mina trip off the platform.

"Ashido out of bound Cheney wins!! Midnight announced whipping her whip around Rochelle got off the platform "good game" Rochelle said holding out a hand for Mina to help her up " back at you that was amazing!! Mina cheered Giving Rochelle a surprise hug making the girl chuckle before hugging back.

Yaoyorozu vs Tokyami a very match that Tokyami won next was Kirishima vs Tetsutuetsu their match ended up in a draw...

Rochelle walked down the hall towards the waiting room Uraraka knocked on the door before letting herself in "hey just wanted to say good luck I know you got this so no need to worry" Rochelle said smiling making Uraraka less tense "Thanks" Uraraka murmured looking down at the table "no problem" Rochelle chuckled before walking out and finding a seat where the rest of her classmates are.

"I'm worried about the next match," Tsuyu said, "honestly I don't wanna watch"Jiro also added, "have faith in Uraraka but your good friends for worrying," Rochelle said scaring them both "when did you get there!! Jiro asked having a hand over her heart Rochelle tilts her head and smile "since you started about the upcoming match" Rochelle chirped.

"For the last matchup of the first round "A celebrity since his middle school days with a face only a mother could love... Katsuki Bakugo of the hero course Rochelle could snicker at that introduction versus my pick Ochaco Uraraka Also of the hero course.

Uraraka started running towards him only for Bakugo to through a right-hand explosion Bakugo finds her pinning her down only to find her jacket Uraraka went behind him in touch reach only for Bakugo to throw her away with another explosion then the crowd started booing at Bakugo but Mr.Aizawa shut them up.

Uraraka tapped her fingers together making a meteor shower of rocks smart but taking a lot out of her Rochelle thought Bakugo let out a huge explosion up towards the rocks letting a heat wave pass by the stands suddenly Uraraka collapsed Midnight goes towards Uraraka to check she alright "Uraraka is unable to continue Bakugo moves to the second round.

Kirishima and Tetsutuetsu had a rematch well more of an arm wrestle contact that Kirishima won, Next match, Todoroki will fight Midoriya this is going to have an interesting outcome Rochelle thought.

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