Chapter 1

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A man with scruffy hair goggles and a scarf was looking into a city by the rooftops a scream was heard in the air the man looked up to see a blue vortex and a falling girl who was falling past him the girl fell so fast to the ground before the man could react.

The man used his scarf to travel through the lamp pots close to where the girl fell the car hood was dented and there lie the girl that fell from the sky the Ambulance arrived to take the girl to the hospital leaving the man to go talk to another man in a detective coat.

Rochelle woke up in a bed in a hospital "where am I" murmured Rochelle there was a knock on the door making Rochelle freeze" come in" say Rochelle unsure on why her ears weren't at their best three men came in one with a detective coat a scruffy looking man and a blonde looking skeleton man.

Nice to meet you we would like to ask some questions if that's okay with you" says the man in the detective coat "sure but can I ask who you guys are? asked Rochelle "Hello I'm detective Noamasa Tsukachi," says the guy in the coat "Shouta Aizawa," says the scruffy-looking guy "I'm Toshinori Yagi," says the Skeleton looking guy.

"Nice to meet all of you names Rochelle Cheney," Rochelle says with a faint smile "May I ask how you ended up falling out of the sky? asked Tsukachi "that I'm not sure there was fog something grabbed my ankle and I fell through this vortex-like thing the last thing I heard was the wind and my name being called by... wait where's Rogue and Sting and the exceeds," says Rochelle as she begins to panic "Ms. Rochelle you're the only one who fell out of the sky," says Aizawa.

"Oh the thing may have closed before it could get them that's good I hope they're safe, "said Rochelle more towards herself as comfort "they were others with you? "yup my older brother Rogue and our friends Sting Lector and Frosch" responded Rochelle playing with her necklace"Why do you trust us," asked Aizawa who was leaned against a wall.

"well your hearts are Kind and telling the truth" Responded Rochelle fighting back a smile "are hearts?! "yeah my ears can hear your heart and I can hear Incredible distance that part of being a dragon slayer sadly" answered Rochelle "a dragon slayer? asked Toshinori "well that part of my magic is silly" "Magic? is that your quirk" asked Aizawa moving off the wall out of curiosity "what is a Quirk? Rochelle all three were shocked in their own way.

"If you don't mind can you describe your home to us and this magic," asked Aizawa getting over the shock first "well I used to live in a small town called Sun Petal then near the capital Crocus right now I live in Magnolia is kinda southeast in Fiore and magic it's well 1% of the population has it can come in many forms from celestial keys to being born even forced to learn but everyone different Erza is Requip while mine is a shadow dragon slayer and healing and Lucy can summon 10 of the zodiac with Celestial Keys oh and I'm in the number one 1 guild called Fairy Tail" explained Rochelle showing her guild mark on her thigh.

"If you don't mind how old are you and a Guild? Asked Toshinori "oh depends on when we're talking I'm 14 or 15 a guild is a building where we take requests or jobs to help others" answered Rochelle "I have a question what a quirk? And where is here exactly Rochelle continued?

Wells quirk is a manifested superpower 80% of the Population has one while 20%  is Quirkless and you're in Musutafu Japan" explained Toshinori Rochelle became quite confusing the men.
"Is this another dimension because Quirk and Musutafu don't exist maybe Levy knows something from all those books" Rochelle thought out loud that could be a possibility but I have no Communication with them" sighed Rochelle slouching back in the bed.

That reminds me of the car you fell on when falling out of the sky the people who were in the car want to meet you if that's okay" asked detective Tsukachi "was anyone hurt" asked Rochelle "nope only the car was damaged" said Aizawa.

Making the girl sigh in relief "also you can not go around telling everyone you're from a different dimension got that" added Aizawa "Gotcha" said Rochelle giving a salute.

Aizawa and Yagiand Detective Tsukschi soon left after that Rochelle was looking at the different scenery until there was a knock on the door.

"come in," she told whoever was at the door an older woman with green hair and a young boy around her age with green hair "we so sorry about what happened," both said in sync bowing making Rochelle jump "I should be asking you that I'm the one who fell on your car, please stand up" Rochelle reassured them.

Both stood up "sorry" said the green-haired boy "are you, alright miss..." "Rochelle Cheney" and I'm fine no damage done" explained Rochelle with a kind smile.

"Sorry but may I ask what your names are" asked Rochelle  "sorry my name is Izuku Midoriya," said the green-haired boy Bowing "I'm Inko Midoriya but just call me Ms.Midoriya said the nice woman "nice to meet you Midoriya and Ms.Midoriya," said Rochelle with a big smile.

" m-may I ask what happened to make you fall on a car, sorry you don't even know me to tell me a thing sorry" Midoriya muttered making Rochelle giggle making both of them stare at her.

"it's okay I come from a small town in America but a villain attacks me and my brother and his friend and well I ended up in the sky than on top of your car" explained Rochelle 'sorry I had to lie a little' thought Rochelle "Oh my," said Ms.Midoriya " you live in America and the villain sent you here wow" Muttered Midoriya.

"What are the heroes like in America asked Midoriya pulling out a notebook " well. Their powerful and their M-Quirks are so strong it so intimidating a lot of my brothers and sisters are pro heroes" Rochelle started More excitement in each word.

"Your siblings are pro's that so awesome," said Midoriya writing like crazy in the notebook " well there so many quirks from, destruction is one of my uncle's to card game quirks to Requip their so many more"

Midoriya and Rochelle were so busy talking about heroes that Ms.Midoriya was talking to an officer out of the room about their point of view of what was happening.

" may I ask what your quirk is? Asked Midoriya " oh I have 2 quirks dragon shadows on my left and living light (healing) on my right" (yes she is left-handed) explained Rochelle. "May I ask you what your quirk is? Asked Rochelle.

"Oh... I'm Quirkless" said Midoriya looking down tears starting to brim out of his eyes

" Well Not everyone can be the same, guess that only means you have to work hard than others to reach your goal," said Rochelle with a huge big smile. Making Midoriya raise his head in shock no one has ever told him that before making Midoriya cry Rochelle moved across the room to give Midoriya a hug letting him cry it all out Little did they know Ms.Midoriya was outside the door listing tearing up with a warm smile.

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