Chapter 17

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Rochelle pulled up her sleeve on this seemly hot day Rochell groaned wanting nothing more than an ice cream sundae "what got you mad? Shinso asked "mmm... how about life in general" Rochelle remarked with a smirk "wow how original" Shinso said rolling his eyes. making Rochelle chuckle Rochelle was on her way to school before she crossed paths with Shinso both decided to walk to school together.

The final week of June signals only a week before final exams. Rochelle was drawing trying to drown out the noise from Mina and Kaminari started freaking out Rochelle was in 9th place overall out of 21 which Rochelle had to thank for all the reading in the Libary she did for years.

time went by and lunch began Rochelle ate her lunch and while drawing Uraraka looked at Rochelle's drawing what are you drawing? Uraraka asked "I have to admit I'm also curious" Ida added Rochelle laughed as Todoroki and Midoriya tried to hide their curiosity "Well back home it's home for many people, a part bar for adults, Libary, and a job request list to earn money," Rochelle said smiling ear to ear as she talked about home.

Midoriya could only smile as Rochelle described her drawing with so much happiness his smile fell as he realized Rochelle missed home and probably wanted to go back home at that thought his heart felt heavy whats this feeling Midoriya thought but something or more like someone knocked into the back of his head snapping him out of his thoughts.

Midoriya turned around to see Monoma from class I-B holding his tray of food "ah sorry my tray just couldn't get around that big head of yours" Monoma mocked "so you're calling yourself dumb? Rochelle copied back in question Monoma glared but quickly turned back towards midair.

"I heard you guys ran into the hero killer "I guess the sports festival wasn't enough, you just keep getting attention with one stunt or another huh, Class A but now it's looking like the attention isn't all it cracked up to be its starting to get dangerous right?  a Monoma question pretty scary! I'm just worried that one of these days, we're all going to get caught in some of your antics! scary...  suddenly he collapsed "that's not funny didn't you hear what happened to Ida" as he was knocked out by someone who seemed to be his classmate.

"Sorry class A this guy's heart is well... Rochelle could only snicker at the possibilities "Kendo! Ida exclaimed "I overheard you guys...saying you're not sure about the practical exam, between you and I hear it'll be a battle against robots like in the entrance," Kendo said too easily Rochelle thought before looking at Midoriya making me laugh at his panicking eyes.

"I know an older who told me, it's a little unfair I know" Kendo added hopefully a rumor Rochelle thought blocking out the rest of the conversation until Kendo drags a conscious Monoma away from the table she should have kept him unconscious he seems better that way" Rochelle muttered out loud Midoriya could only sweat drop as Ida was lecturing her on wishing people unconscious is wrong as she ignores him and continued her drawing.

the week went by before the day of the exam after many hours of writing part it was time for the particle exam, everyone was in their hero costumes waiting in front of Mr.Aizawa and many of the teachers "there going to be a twist Rochelle thought trying hard not to smile.

Rochelle started zoning out until Rochelle was called but realized she was the only one who wasn't assigned a teacher Rochelle before can voice out her question, her eyes widen at the familiar scent a huge smile grew on Rochelle's face poof!! Mystogan appeared Todoroki, Midoriya's, and Ida's eyes widened "Rochelle today, you're versing Mystogan" Aizawa spoke smirk evident on his face most of the class was confused.

the test began with Rochelle watching the matches as each team went by next was her own, Rochelle walks onto the grounds of her match  Rochelle just walked around the site evening doing a few handstands and cartwheels.

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