Chapter 38

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the winter season Rolled around and Hero training was outside for the evening, the class met up some changed their costumes to suit the weather Ojiro had a winter coat and Yaoyorozu added a red cape Tsyu had some accessories that kept her temperature regulated.

"you've got a got a new look to Kachan" Midoriya commented on Bakugou's new upgraded costume "Huh? Do you have a problem with it? then say it to my face you stupid nerd! Bakugou shouted. Bakugou's costume didn't change much except for having long sleeves.

"your costume, must guard against and generate heat yeah? Since your sweat glands serve as weapons it only stands to reason what a great modification" Deku praised Bakugou's costume "I don't want your praise either.

"oh! Are we slacking off? Rochelle groaned at the annoying voice "Is that your way of underestimating us? "of they're here! Nope, we're not underestimating anyone just excited! Kirishima shouted across the field "At least one of us" Rochelle murmured.

"heh is that so? too bad for you the tides are rolling our way now" "Hear me class A!! today is the day we settle this rivalry! Monoma shouted.

"We have a rivalry? Rochelle questioned curiously "Check out this survey! took at the culture festival which did people prefer Class A's dinky concert or Class B's Ultra high-quality theatrical production? well, take a look" Monoma shouted with a paper in his hands.

Rochelle sighed getting fed up over this idiot Rochelle walked closer to whack him upside his head Kendo had the same idea and walked over but was stopped by a scarf Mr. Aizawa's scarf was wrapped around Monoma's neck effectively choking him.

"Because today it's A vs. B our first joint battle training! Monoma wheezed out "Quiet," Mr. Aizawa told the idiot "We've got a special guest today" Vlad King announced "So try not to make fouls of yourselves" Mr.Aizawa added.

"fresh meat! "a girl I hope? "A guest? the class commented "They hoping to transfer to the hero course it's Hitoshi Shinso from C of General Studies Rochelle laughed "Long time no see Shinso" Rochelle smirked.

everyone started to talk at once "Go on introduce yourself" "I had encounters with several of you at the sports festival but I don't think that we're friends just because we fought I'm not the type for displays of good sportsmanship like that I'm already so far behind you all I'm doing everything I can to catch up I'll be a great hero someday... and strive to use my quirk to help people so to me all of you here... are just obstacles to overcome I'm not here to make friends"

everyone slowly clapped "Reminds of pre-upgrade Todoroki" Sero commented "Oh yeah? Todoroki asked clueless Rochelle chuckled at them.

"let's get right to it, then... "Battle training time!!it's a series of matches pitting class A against class B!! the battlefield is one section of athletic field gamma!! both classes will split up into teams of four and square off against another team!!

"with Shinso added in we've got 42 altogether how do we account for him? someone from class B asked

"Shinso and Cheney will be participating in two matches, Shinso will be joining Class A for one and Class B for another while Cheney will be doing two rounds in Class A, meaning the matches could be five versus four or five against five" "that's not fair for the four-person teams! Hagurue commented.

"the four students who have incorporated the inexperienced Shinso are actually at a disadvantage having five members will give you the edge numbers-wise but... it's also handicapped that the scenario this around is "heroes trying to capture a team of villains"! so think of the opposing team as villains who capture four of your opponents to win!

"villains do the team-up thing too huh? "nice and simple love it! "so we're heroes but the opponent views us as villains?! Which role do we play until, then?! Ida asked "Let's go with heroes" Rochelle commented trying to calm Ida down.

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