Chapter 19

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Before anyone knew it summer break began, the start of summer camp breaking the peaceful atmosphere with annoying laughter from the one and only Monnma  "haha heard more of your class got extra lessons how stupid! Everyone in our class passed guess that shows how weak your class is getting" Monnma laughed "now my morning is ruined" Rochelle murmured rolling her eyes and about to walk over to knock him out when kendo did it for her "thank you because I wouldn't have been so nice" Rochelle said putting on her headphones walking away.

Rochelle turned to a group of Class 1-B girls and removed her headphones "you seem, nice people, hope to work with you in the future" Rochelle said with a rare smile shocking not only the girls but her class by Rochelle puts back on her headphones and heads to the talk to Tokoyami.

Rochelle sat in the back of the bus with her headphones on everyone was talking shouting or on their phones while Rochelle takes a book out of her bag  based on better ways to use her magic from
Mystogen Rochelle start skimming through it seeming it was familiar.

Rochelle pushed a stool up towards a bookshelf before jumping up on the stool reaching up to the highest shelf and picking up a black cover book before slowly getting off the stool placing the book on the table shoving the stool far across the room before grabbing the book her tiny feet tapping across the tile floor as she raced to a room before shoving the book under a pillow before getting under the covers hiding acting as if she was asleep the door creaked open Rochelle moved "shh don't wake her up now I told you she was sleeping" a voice spoke before the door closed and footsteps disappeared Rochelle jumped out of bed before removing the book from her pillow and opening it seeing the table of contents
Flashback over

"Rochelle! voice spoke as Rochelle felt herself wake up to see Midoriya beside her "you okay?, the bus stopped so we all can get out and stretch our legs," Midoriya said Rochelle blinked before understanding "sure I will be right out" Rochelle replied before removing her headphones to around her neck and the book in her lap placing it in her bag before following Midoriya out.

Rochelle walked up with the others to see beside Mr. Aizawa two heroes in cat costumes calling themselves wild pussy cats behind them was a little boy wearing a red hat with horns Midoriya started rambling on about them then started to bring up age and the blue cat named Pixie bob covered Midoriya's mouth and glared at him causing Rochelle to snicker out him.

then the red cat Mandalay was showing everyone how far camp everyone started running back to the bus, "sorry kids training camp had already begun" Mr. Aizawa said the ground started rumbling and the class was pushed off the cliff by dirt.

the class sat at the bottom of the cliff "oh you guys can your quirks, you have three hours to make it through the beast forest" Mandalay explained before walking back to the solid part of the cliff and beginning a conversation with Mr.Aizawa.

as Midoriya and the class falls down the hill of dirt Midoriya looked around looking for Rochelle but she was nowhere in sight. mud monsters appeared through the forest Midoriya punched one as it was ready to strike Mineta Midoriya, Ida, Todoroki, and Bakugo sprung into action.

"was I supposed to follow them? a voice spoke Rochelle walked closer to them removing her headphones from her head and letting hanging down her neck standing beside Pixie bob and making the hero jump Aizawa only sighed walking away Rochelle shrugged her shoulders and then started walking behind them as the little boy kept staring at her with a glare but Rochelle didn't seem to mind.

Rochelle stood beside Mandalay pixie bob and Mr.Aizawa as Kouda stood behind them pixie bob turned off her quirk "that was interesting!! Pixie bob announced "remember the one principal Nezu talked about well there she is" Mr.Aizawa said pointing at Rochelle "oh interesting" pixie bob sang what's the point of it being secret Rochelle thought annoyed "don't worry your secret won't be told to anyone else" Mandalay said as if she was reading her mind  Rochelle smiled with a nod.

the sun started to set as the class slowly started to come out of the forest all looking exhausted and dirty  "little over "two hours" my ass... Sero muttered holding on to his arm"my bad I meant are standards" Mandalay said overhearing Sero "you four! Pixiebob pointed at Midoriya, Ida, Todoroki, and Bakugo  "you charged right in without a second thought almost as if you have experience" I call dibs! Pixie bob exclaimed smothering the four.

  "was she always so hyper? Mr.Aizawa asked " she is in a bit of a rush to get married you know with age and all" Mandalay explained  Rochelle could only sigh like a Liz and Cana combo Rochelle thought shivering at the thought.

"yes speaking of marrying age- "Don't speak! Pixie bob growled placing a paw on Midoriya's face "I've been wondering for a while are one of you that's child mother "oh no that kid my nephew Kouta come to say Hi, you're going to live with them for the next week" Mandalay explained before asking Kouta over Kouta starts walking over  Midoriya brings out his hand "oh my names Midoriya, I'm studying hero studies at the hero academy Nice to meet you...  Kouta cuts him off by punching him where the sun doesn't shine.

Rochelle starts shaking trying to hold in her laughter but started laughing "Midoriya! you the nephew going for his family jewels it's foul man" Ida advised moving his arms repeatedly up and down Kouta glared at Midoriya "I'm not going to fuck around with a bunch of losers who want to grow up be corny ass heroes" Kouta glares again before leaving Rochelle frowns watching Kouta leave.

"kids think he's an adult," Bakugo says smirking "reminds me of someone I know," Todoroki said  Bakugo started freaking out his palms letting off tiny explosions "relax it was a joke, "Todoroki said then Aizawa told the class to in the dining hall and to take a bath and unwind training would start tomorrow.

the class began killing the meal Rochelle sat beside "where were you, Rochelle? I didn't see you in the forest" Uraraka asked sitting across from Rochelle and chowing down on some rice "Oh I moved too far from the cliff, so I helped Mandalay with cooking"  Rochelle said shrugging her shoulders.

" Now how did you get that far away? Ida wondered  Rochelle smiled raising her hands and doing the jazz hands "I'm Magic Rochelle said, "oh Wizard grant me a  wish" Mina and Kaminari shouted rolling into Rochelle's sides Rochelle got serious  "of course, you have suffered a lot" Rochelle picked up a butter knife and used it as a "Wand" "I here by the wizarding law give you good luck" using her "wand" like a sword she pats each of their shoulders as if they were knights then they went off cheering about being protected.

Todoroki came over and sat beside Rochelle do you know a spell to make someone disappear? "sorry sir my "wand" is only for good wishes and luck" Todoroki sighs before taking Rochelle's "Wand" huffing "I'll do it myself then he started walking away "no my "wand" Rochelle faked cried leaning against Midoriya Todoroki circled the table back to Rochelle giving back her "wand" it's broken you need to fix it" was all he said causing Rochelle to crack up.

Rochelle finished stacking up her plates " I going to rest night you guys" Rochelle said before unconsciously messing up Midoriya's green locks before walking to the girl's bedroom Rochelle sighed before grabbing a pair of PJs and a towel Rochelle walked to the hot springs before hiding her clothes in the girl's side of the bath a hug rock was in the hot springs Rochelle wrapped her self in the towel hiding in the darkest parts behind the rock.

sooner the rest of class 1-A decided to go to the hot spring "sucks Rochelle doesn't want to join us" Mina whined the water splashed in waves as the girls got into the hot spring Rochelle could hear Mineta talking a perverted Rochelle could only roll her eye but grinned when Kouta slapped Mineta away making him fall over the other side Mina thank Kouta the poor kid looked towards them before fell over the other side.

Midoriya saved him and brought him to Mandalay then Mandalay told Midoriya the story of Kouta's parents and how they were the pro hero's water hose hero and were murdered by a Villain the reason Kouta hates heroes.

Slipping unnoticed by the two a certain shadow heard but quickly left before the others knew she was there.

Rochelle lay in her sleeping bag staring at the ceiling with her arms over her head she sighed before wishing her family good night and letting her dreams take over.

Everyone was outside and dead tired at five-thirty in the morning except for Rochelle not because she went to sleep earlier than everyone else but because of taking jobs at Fairy Tail Mr.Aizawa started with another Ball test and Bakugo being an egotistical guy he was decided to go first when he did it there was barely when up by for numbers being 709.6 shocking everyone except Rochelle "just like Natsu his pride and determination even fire Rochelle thought before smile at the thought.

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