Chapter 20

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class 1-B was walking through the forest to begin their training only to see class 1-A training all around them seconds later they were introduced to all four of the wild pussy cats suddenly they froze as the air felt colder

"found you!! a voice spoke in a creepy way then Rochelle appeared between Pixie Bob and Mandalay shocking them.

Rochelle jumped back before Tiger could punch her Rochelle then charged at Mandalay "I'll go for a right hook" Rochelle thought before smirking and throwing a right kick at Mandalay quickly Mandalay puts her arms up to stop the kick a tiny dirt monster appeared under Rochelle at the same time Tiger was going in for another punch but didn't hit Rochelle but Pixie Bob.

causing others around to gasp the tiny dirt monster disappeared with a breeze and became a wind tornado but they froze unable to move away as it came closer but exploded and they regained control.

"got them I win! Rochelle cheered behind them in hands a red, blue, yellow, and black marble.

"was that necessary? asked Mr. Aizawa rubbing his eyes

"you can't tell a Villian to stop even if you are unprepared or waiting on backup to help immobilize the Villian" Rochelle explained Mr.Aizawa sighed knowing the girl has her ways.

Rochelle gave the marbles back to the pros before walking towards a tree and sitting down her back against the tree closing her eyes and ignoring the stares from class 1-B.

After Class 1-B got assigned their training Rochelle started to do her type of training in the forest farther away from the camp and class to work on her shadow magic.

after a hard day of training, everyone had to make their own dinner Rochelle could only laugh at her classmate's expressions before walking up and grabbing a pot.

"come on guys if we all work together the faster we have food, "Rochelle said before the class groaned but started to help out.

Todoroki "we need some fire over here! Mina called out to Todoroki and helped them in the background Bakugo started to blow up one of the stoves after Todoroki helped he smiled as he lit up another flame Rochelle went beside him.

"This is the first time I'm eating without something cooked that isn't burnt" Rochelle spoke

Todoroki frowned "I never cooked anything with my fire before" Todoroki muttered.

"oh, back home my brother Natsu who also has a fire quirk would try to cook the fish and always burnt it" Rochelle explained looking fondly at the fire before letting out a soft chuckle.

Todoroki's frown turned into a tiny smile "I also have an older brother named Natsu but he has an ice quirk" Todoroki explained

"seriously that's cool poplar opposites with the same name" Rochelle laughed bumping her shoulder with his.

everyone started eating Yaoyorozu explained her quirk only for Sero to comment on poop making Jiro slap him for being an idiot Rochelle could only shake her head smiling at them fooling around.

Rochelle saw Kouta going toward the forest quietly with a bowl of stew in her hands Rochelle followed Kouda to a cave "wow this place has a nice few you must be starving" Rochelle explained.

Kouta jumped quickly turning around"how did you...! Kouda shouted.

"I followed your footprints" Rochelle lied smelling his scent.

"I'm fine I don't need any, what part of "I'm not fucking around with your scrubs" did you not understand, this is my secret base your not welcomed here" Kouta argued still glaring at the girl.

"Your secret base? Rochelle questioned before chuckling.

"It's pathetic wanting to be a hero, Kouda said each word dripping with hatred.

"Your parents were pro-heroes weren't they? Rochelle questioned even though she already knew the answer.

"Mandalay opened her big mouth huh? Kouda shouted.

Rochelle didn't say anything she sat closer to the edge of the cliff before placing down the stew "I don't like heroes" Rochelle said.

"huh, then why do you want to be a stupid ass hero" Kouda yelled behind Rochelle.

"on my fourth birthday... "I don't want to hear your stupid story" Kouda grumbled.

Rochelle paused swinging her legs off the side of the cliff "A villain killed my family my little sister, both of my brothers, and my whole town that same villain kidnapped me" Movements were made beside her Rochelle didn't say a thing.

"no one saved me except a villain who was misjudged," Rochelle said tiny arms wrapped around her arm neither said anything.

a little away on another cliffside stood a group of unwanted people.

"We're only sending a warning flare this time"

"let's hurry up and go!!!

"Also, it's not yet time didn't I tell you we don't have to overdo it"

"yeah, quit trying to act like the boss all for the sake of the future will fall to the earth"

On the third day, everyone continued to work on strengthening their quirks until Pixie Bob told them later that night there was a test of courage.

Later that evening Bakugo started chopping carrots as it no probably, Rochelle joined him with potatoes Rochelle was aware of the eyes watching them and the comments they were making but Rochelle couldn't help but smile.

"eh, what got you all smiley? Bakugo questionably shouted Rochelle only chuckled as a furious Bakugo continued to chop carrots.

later that evening Rochelle grabbed a black zip-up jacket tying it around her waist "why do you need a jacket? it's perfectly nice weather". Ida asked doing his usual hand motions.

"oh you never know with any possibility and maybe it could be an advantage to scare you guys," Rochelle said

"That's smart getting one step ahead," Ida said doing his usual hand motions again

"I wonder have his arms ever gotten stuck like that? Rochelle thought before chuckling at the thought.

to choose partners, they had to draw straws with a number on their straws team 8 was Midoriya and Rochelle as everyone was waiting their turn as Class 1-B was going to be scaring them first until smoke rose through the forest Rochelle quickly turned around alert

"Pixie Bob!

Rochelle called out but it was too late Pixie Bob went flying towards a weapon pillar in cement and Bandages knocked Pixie Bob to the ground unconscious as blood started to seep from the wound from the cement pillar beside PixieBob's body where two villains one looked like a reptile while the one with the weapon had short hair and sunglasses.

"greetings hero academy we are the league of villains' first strike team" they announced

Tiger got ready to move "now stay there or your friend is good as dead" the man in sunglasses said moving the cement pillar to move a point.

The lizard only chuckled "the names spinner and I will be the one who carries the Stains dream" Spinner said pulling out what seemed to be 20 to 30 swords all different kinds tie-up together as a big weapon.
Rochelle scoffed what a damn joke" Rochelle growled before gritting her teeth and running towards the guy with the cement pillar.

"Stop!! Mandalay and everyone shouted

The man in the sunglasses was ready to crush Pixiebob's head a crack was heard echoing through the forest blood covering the ground and the weapon.

Magne (The sunglasses dude) I don't think I ever knew what his name was until after he died after Mr. compress or was it twice said his name and part of his back story or I never caught it?

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