Chapter Forty-Four

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Ugh, my fucking head.

How hard did that meat slab slam into me? I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. The world around me slowly tilted from side to side before finally relaxing. I brought my hands up to my forehead only to drag them back down in front of my face with a crusting red smear. Shit.

Then, just remembering, I brought my hand up to my neck where that damn dart had hit me. Obviously, it was no longer attached to my skin but for some reason I could still feel the cold metal piercing into me. I kicked my feet in front of me and scattered to the corner of the large room I found myself in.

It looked to be a long abandoned PC room. There were several unused neon signs hanging from the walls promoting this or that game and extended rentals. Food menus were torn and worn down with age. Most of the computers had been taken down though, only leaving a single row tight up against the far wall.

The rest of the place was gray carpet, dark ceiling, and flooring to match. A small column of three pillars ran through the whole space, I'm guessing adding for more support. At the back of the room, there was a full glass wall with thin and long panes, bright from the business next door.

Where the hell am I?

The voice in my head let out an uneasy tone, 'They found us."

What? What is that supposed to mean?

It said nothing more, reverbing back to the deep crevices of my mind. I pressed my back against the wall and slowly searched the rooms with my eyes. No cameras, no people. There was almost nothing here. Still, that did nothing to calm my fidgeting heart.

None of that changed the fact that I had been kidnapped and then brought here. Kidnapped by someone who seemed familiar for some reason. I just couldn't point out why. Damn it, those fucking assholes even took the liberty of coming into my home and attacking me.

I swear to God if they even laid a finger on my family I would tear out their throats then watch them squirm as rats eat out their exposed throats.

Just a couple moments ago I was completely filled with fear. Those people could've done anything to me and who knows if they're just outside that door. Even while I was waiting for Viola or Uncle to come back for me, I was afraid. But, right now I remembered something.

I'm no longer the damn person that I was. Instead of being paralyzed in fear that someone has been fucking stalking me, I should've been finding out who it was and how to end them. This wasn't for the voice inside of my head, this was what I should've done regardless of who was in control.

How pathetic.

Resorting to hiding in a closet while the people I care about were running around, endangering themselves or even just wasting their energy for a piece of trash. A piece of trash who actually referred to me as the same. Just who the hell did I wrong so badly that they would refer to me as trash?

Now I have to step in and take care of the trash myself - That's what they said.

But does not "taking care" of someone usually mean killing them off? You know, bullet to the head kind of deal? Not sleeping dart to the neck. Unless they're here right now, watching me through some hidden camera in the room. I narrowed my eyes and stood up slowly.

Well, if they're going to watch, they can watch me trying to figure out where the fuck I was. I didn't want to be that paranoid but with every step I took I would do it with hesitation. My mind was convinced that, at any moment, they would come back for me to finish the job. Not only that but they might have Viola or my Uncle with them.

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