Chapter Six

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"Sookie...keep on mumbling my name like that and you won't be able to keep me away from your nightmares."

She laughed, "Aw, come on. Just get it over with. His heart might burst if you don't at least reply back."

Ugh, I want to die. These past couples of days, along with the chocolate milks that were apparently from him as well, he's been texting me. Granted the first time was to make sure I was alright after that 'fight' with Gun. If you could even call it a fight. It was more like a one-sided beat down.

Okay, actually he only texted me twice. That one time and then a couple days later when he replied with This is Vasco. He probably thought the reason I hadn't replied to him was because it was a new number I didn't recognize. 

That was yesterday. No, the real reason that I didn't text him, knowing full well he's the only one who has my actual number that isn't anyone in our department, was that I had no idea how to let him down. Knowing him he was all excited and anxious about what I did. Sook was right. People might misunderstand things.

He was so innocent and emotional though I didn't want to go up to him and be like, "I don't like you." Then leave. Doing that to anyone was asshole-ish. As mean as I am, I'm not despicable. Even people like me have principles. God, what am I going to do.

Things would've probably gone better too if someone didn't go around spreading baseless rumors that both of us liked each other. Damn, Hwan Kim. Throwing him out the window wasn't enough. The next time I see him...I'm pulling out his tongue and stapling it too the door. That should teach people not to talk about me.

I slammed my head against the table. Sook's right. Let's just get this over with. The longer I put this off the more embarrassing its going to be. We'll go on that damn date and he'll realize that we don't like each other that way. Then hopefully those damn rumors pipe down a bit too. You have no idea how much I've had to hold myself back not to fill these halls with blood.

Eight hours...eight hours of pretending to date some guy. I rubbed the back of my neck. Fuck, this shit. I walked down the hall of the Architecture Building. Where's their damn classroom. Sook gave me direction but like hell I was going to remember them when as soon as I stepped into the building, a bunch of guys started starring at me.

I felt like I was tossed into a pit of children. They basically pointed their fingers at me and were chanting that there was a girl in here. I sniffed the air. Damn, why the hell does it smell so much like cigarettes at the entrance? The more I made my way down it was replaced by the smell of wood.

A bit better I guess. Just then I recognized one of the guys from the festival. He had a sharp face with a long chin. Sorry for not remembering your name but I kind of don't care right now. I followed him.

I guess this is it. I stopped at the doorway and looked into the classroom. There were long tables, benches, along with work equipment I didn't recognize lined all along the walls. So this is what the Architecture rooms looked like. For a room full of men it smelled and looked cleaner than I thought it would.

Most of the guys were sitting on tables or sitting in abnormal positions on their chairs. Vasco sat in the middle of them with his phone out. He had his white uniform opened down the middle with a black shirt underneath. He had those grey pants they gave the Architecture students.

This was fine enough. Its not like I care what he looks like anyway. I'm not dressed to impress either. I was wearing my school shirt with the same black bomber jacket I always wear. My hair was probably not in its best shape either which is why I had it up in a bun again.

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