Chapter Twenty-Six

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School is about how I expected it to be. Everyone in our class hovered over us during break demanding for answers and their souvenirs. Sookie actually brought Jeong a gift. Aside from all the half assed efforts she tossed towards everyone else she gave him a little keychain with a sperm whale and one of those fancy boxes of assorted chocolates.

All the other students were busy opening up their stuff to notice the awkward exchange between the two. I cast a glance at Sookie when she came back to our table. She glared at me and I smiled back. If she was expecting me to tell her anything, I wasn't. Jeong may get on my nerves but he was a decent guy at least.

Besides, it reassured me in knowing that I could beat him up whenever I wanted to. So she could see every weak mother fucker she wanted to. That way, I can put them in their place if they ever try to do her wrong.

I groaned then slammed my head onto the table.

"We barely got back and you're already with your mood swings."

"I want to go out with somebody~ " My voice is muffled by my bomber.

"Last time Zoe invited us to a group karaoke and you said no."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

She pinched my forearm. Ow, that actually hurt.

"Guys go to karaoke."

I sat up to look at her, "So what, you expect me to go talk to some stranger? No thanks."

"Isn't that how you meet people though? I honestly don't know what you want from me."

What I want is for her to find a genie in a bottle then wish me a perfect somebody. I like my men on the bulkier side. Give him some nice abs and make him caring, funny, and patient. As for women...I hate to admit it but I like the cutesy type. Was it so hard to find me someone that fit either of those criteria? It's not like I lived my life under a rock.



" I live under a rock?"

"Are you just realizing that? All you do is eat, sleep, work out, and go to school. You never go anywhere fun."

Oh god, I'm one of those kids in high school that literally spends their whole life rotting away in the gym! Sure I help my uncle at the shop most weekends but still, this is unacceptable! I've made a vow to myself to live my second life to the fullest! I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. Alright then!

"Sookie! Let's go to karaoke after school!"

Huh? Why was she being so quiet all of the sudden? Just then I heard the gentle tapping of heels against the floor. Our instructor stood in the front of the class with a tired look on her face.

"As happy as I am that you're enjoying your youth I'd appreciate it if you took your seat, Ila."

My cheeks burned, "Oh, right. I'm sorry ma'am."

What's one of the first things that you think of when you hear South Korea? For me it's fried chicken, K-dramas, and KARAOKE! So it's actually quite a surprise that I haven't been to one yet. There isn't any karaoke in the US. At least nowhere that I've been too.

You know, I don't think I've sung before. Do you think I'd suck at it? Haha, then again, with my natural talent I might end up becoming the eight member of BTS. Oh, I should probably text Uncle where I'm going. We made a deal that I'd be more open with him so this was me trying.

Damn it, Daniel isn't at school today. That's a vocational high school for you. Since he was training to become an idol the school gave him special permission to only come once a week. He's going to be really behind on material though. Unless Jay or somebody else is helping him out. To be honest I would put it behind Jay. He was absolutely obsessed with that guy.

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