Chapter Two

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Little Daniel is taking the nigh shift here right? To think I actually lived in the area. It wasn't long after Daniel moved here I think that the old man that owned the place put up that night shift sign. At first I did see the resemblance but I didn't think that a place so close to my house could be that convenience store.

I really thought it was wishful thinking at first but when I saw Little Daniel walk in from the alleyway I knew it was him. Shit, his face looked really bad. I'm guessing Zack and his "friends" just left. Sorry Daniel.

Damn it, if only Uncle asked me to help him out. I looked both side of the street before trudging into the building. The rush was pretty big with students right now at our fried chicken shop. All of them were talking about how their first days went. Some of them were even from my school. Uncle made sure to take those tables and keep me in the kitchen as much as he could.

I don't want to admit it but he figured out my fiasco on the first day of school pretty easily. He looked at the blood stain on my shoes and I can't lie for the life of me. My words were stumbling over one another and my hands were doing stuff. It wasn't good. So he sort of figured out that I already build a bad reputation for myself at school.

I thought he was going to yell at me but he just asked me what happened. In the end I told him the truth. He told me that next time I should leave to the teachers to handle. That's not how things work in this world. I didn't tell him that last part. As for that guy in the cafeteria, he said instead of the gut I should aim for his manly hood next time.

Hehe. I busted out laughing when he said that.

As I walked through the aisles towards the per-made food, I could see little Daniel sighing to himself at the register. Damn. His face really was busted him. Every piece of his face was left swollen and I could see the remnants of dried blood he probably tired to wipe off.

 The swelling might go down by tomorrow if he takes care of it knowing him but it'll still hurt. I grabbed a couple onigiri and two banana milks. Should I get him something cold? I walked over to the small ice-cream freezers in the front. Oh yes! I love these. I grabbed three Melona bars.

He silently scanned each item, "Do you need a bag?"

I inserted my card into the machine, "Sure."

He handed me my stuff. I don't know why I was filled with a flood of emotion. Its just...seeing him like this broke my heart. He was at the stage where he actually preferred waking up in the other body. To him, Big Daniel provided some escape from this sort of hell. It's alright I wanted to tell him. Things are going to get better.

I dropped one of the Melona popsicles on the counter, "For your face." 

I bet I looked pretty cool walking out like that. Hehe. Uncle gave me a look as he finished with cleaning. He was probably wondering why I had such a smug smile on my face. I handed him his banana milk and popsicle then went up to my room chuckling along the way.

"That girl finally lost it..."


Whisper. Whisper.

Couldn't they whisper quieter? I could already see Hwan Kim fuming. Today we were making a soft and airy cake batter. I folded my nicely whipped eggs into my batter slowly by thirds. Hmm...the texture was looking so pretty! I'm getting pretty good at this now. Maybe at this point I might be the one to inherit the one and only Baker's Knife.

Pff! The thought was enough to make me smile.

"What is this! You should be using that energy on your batters!"

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