Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Urgh, my back. I groaned as I dragged in a large box filled with coupons from Mr. Gian. Our newest coupons came out of production a while ago. Too bad for me, he also printed enough of those scammy 100, 000 won won checks. I'm just glad he released only a couple hundred into the wild.

These were a much better design. The front stayed the same, with his store name on front with Daniels picture taking up on side. The back had a small barcode alone with a detailed description on where to use it. I dragged the box on top of the counter, next to the register and began taking out the small bundles.

Why is it that working at the shop makes me more tired than actually working out? One hour here equaled to half a day in a work out room. Damn it, it's a school day too. The most I should be worried about is keeping my grades up so I graduate this year.

My Uncle has decreed this as my punishment for getting into trouble the other week. What else was I supposed to do? If he knew what was going on, he'd understand. The old fool wouldn't even listen to me. He'd tsk anytime I'd try to explain to him. So for the rest of this week and the next, I've been stationed to work.

Viola hasn't even been around to distract him so I could run off. She's been so busy writing up that book of hers. Since I got back, Viola's been holed up at her place typing away. I visited her two days ago to drop off some chicken and she just closed the door in my face like I was every other delivery person. That woman gets on my nerves but I felt hurt regardless.

I haven't even been able to work out! Then I've been so worn out from work that it's becoming harder to wake up on time for my morning run. Being a functional member of society is fucking tiring. No wonder the idea of being a delinquent is so romanticized.

Uncle tossed a rag over his shoulder, "Once you finished organizing those. Start cleaning the tables."

I sighed, "Yes, sir..."

Since Uncle ran on his own hours we usually closed pretty early compared to other shops or stalls in the area. After work rush hour was pretty mellow on Wednesdays so we're closing around thirty minutes earlier than usual.

Huh? What the hell is this?

At the bottom of the box with the coupons was a large poster around three feet tall. I stared at it in defeat. Why was this necessary? It was the same design as the coupons. A black background with the company name, website, small QR code, and then Daniel's big portrait taking up half the thing.

You know what? I'm too tired to even say anything. Having Daniel's face posted at the front of the store should be good for business anyway. That kid sold out on almost anything he models in. Hopefully he can do the same thing with our chicken so we can close early everyday. I grabbed a roll of tape from underneath the desk. Well, here's to hoping.

Right before I was about to tape the poster to one of the walls of the store I saw a familiar figure down the street. Long blonde bangs covered Jay's eyes like always and he was wearing a dark blue tracksuit with white lines on the right arm and leg. With both armed, she hugged a large white tote bag.

What the hell was this kid doing now? I unlocked the door from the shop and poked my head out the doorway.

"Jay! What are you doing?!"

Jay turned to me with a surprised look on his face. Even though we're not the closest people in the world, I know that coming to this part of town was uncharacteristic of him. He also looked pretty suspicious walking around with that large bag in his arms.

Wait...I think... I recognized the stuff in his bag.

"Are those all coupons from Gian Clothing?"

His face turned a brilliant red. He probably felt pretty embarrassed to get caught walking with those around.

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