Chapter Eleven

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Since I've gone back to school everyone has been suffocating me. I know that they mean to help me but its becoming to much. During self-study they crowd around my station like birds flocked to seeds. They offer to help right my notes or study when I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.

Unlike Zack I had one working arm which happened to be my right arm anyway so I didn't really have any trouble except in the restroom. There was no way in hell I was having someone stand with me in the stall while I'm trying to take a piss though. Sook offered once and I had to refrain from smacking her across the room.

Its all this damn things fault! I looked down at the thick casing around my arm. I told the doctors that I was fine so my Uncle would let me get out there. But they pulled a fast one on me and showed my X-rays. Heavy fracture lines at the length of my left forearm and serious injuries to my shoulder that resurfaced.

Damn medical professions. I can't even eat in our classroom in peace anymore without someone coming in every five minutes. Do you need help eating lunch? Do you want me to feed you? Do you need to use the restroom? My ears went red. Those idiots. Just because I cry in front of them one time they start treating me like a child.

If they want to go feed someone maybe they should go help Mira our with Zack. I bet he's a handful right now. So instead of enjoying my lunch I've had to resource to sneaking out to 'use the restroom' before the bell rings then roaming the less popular areas around campus. 

I caught some kids bullying a sophomore the other day. I thought they were going to keep going at it but I guess even with the cast I'm still threatening. Well, word of what happened during the retreat did spread fast. How Zack and I beat a counselor from an inch of his life. I hope that psycho suffers in prison. People with pretty faces don't last long. At least that's what I'm hoping.

Oh, I opened the window. Somehow I ended up over the small garden Vasco and Jace were working on. To bad nothing seems to be growing yet. I'm pretty sure they've been looking after it so what's happening with it? Did they plant something really high maintenance? I looked around. Might as well check, no one seems to be around anyway.

Durian...they planted Durian. I don't know much about plants but even I know you can't grow that in a place like this.

That night Sook said he got really worried about me. He sent out his guys all over the retreat just to find me. Vasco's worried expression played in my mind.

Well, I guess I can help them out. I'm not any good with plants but there's nothing a good book can't solve. With my natural genius I'll have things growing within a week! Haha! 

"Why the sudden interest?"

Gardening for beginners. Native species. Midnight soil. Yeah I have no idea what I'm looking at. That's why I brought my Uncle with me after school. He's been a bit worried about me since the incident so he decided to close the shop for the days so we could spend some time. I think he wants to make sure I'm not holding onto anymore repressed feelings.

Of course I was but isn't that normal? Everyone in life holds onto those negative emotions in their hearts. Sometimes it doesn't matter how many tears we shed for ourselves, some things burn to heavily to heal. I'm alright though. I'm still standing aren't I?

"It's for our school garden. The guys who were in charge planted Durian. Honestly..."

Uncle gave me a look. I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the complete truth. As long as I wasn't doing anything dangerous he would support my efforts. He picked up a book on plants for beginners. Cool. This one shows which plants are able to grow in this part of the world as well as their durability's during the different seasons.

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