Chapter Ten

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Ah, fuck, what was wrong with me? Maybe its the alcohol from yesterday finally kicking in. Sometimes I get like that when I'm working out. I don't feel the effects into a full day or two later. Though I'm pretty sure that's not how getting drunk works. If anything all the activities we did today should've set me straight.

Am I really being paranoid then? How long have I been waiting here for? Ever since the candle thing whatever they called it. I wasn't paying attention. Ever since then the back of my mind has been telling me to come to the warehouse but nobodies even here! I've bene outside in the cold for half an hour!

I had a long sweater on but my legs were bare since I decided to wear shorts. If I'd known my paranoid ass would've had me sitting out here for so long then I'd slip on some pants instead. Whatever, its too late for any of that. Besides I've been through worse. I was just getting impatient since that nagging feeling wouldn't go away no matter what.

Crunch, crunch.

Finally, footsteps. There was two distinct voices. A males and a females. The females voice I recognized to be Mira's. As for the males...what that one of the counselors? If I remember currently he's the one the girls have been swooning over.

"You just need to help me move a couple boxes and you're free to go."

I didn't like this. Why was Mira alone? Wasn't she with Zack? I saw them go off together earlier. Could it be that she got caught staying late on her way back to the rooms? That certainly was possible but why would a camp counselor ask her to help him move boxes in the middle of the night.

I slowly stood up, making to keep myself hidden in the shadows  besides the warehouse. I pushed myself up against the wall to hear their conversation. Part of me wanted to rush in there and ask what was going on but what if the situation was completely fine and I end up incriminating myself for staying out late?

No. That's not what's going on here. I clutched at my chest. This feeling was familiar to something I felt a long time ago. But why was I feeling it now?

Just then another person pulled up the warehouse. Much heavier steps and breathing as well. Another one of the counselor's. The one everyone has been making fun of for absolutely no reason. A bunch of assholes these kids are.

"What's this? Why are you two together?"

This man came in asking all the right questions, "Oh hey, she was wandering by herself. Instead of punishment I asked her to help me. I'm gonna send her back and clean up so you can go back to your room and rest."

Phone...the phone. Her picture. That vile disgusting piece of shit! There was a loud crash as the commotion went on in the warehouse. My fists were itching to go but I couldn't not yet. I'm sorry Mira but if I go in there attacking now then you won't know the truth of the situation. Damn it! Hurry up already!

"I can't take it anymore! Until now I've been hiding well..." Hurry up! "When did that fucking pig steal my phone?"

That's all I fucking needed. I rushed into the warehouse. Zues stood there in all his disgusting heaving breaths staring at me like I ruined a perfectly good meal. I looked over at Won Bin who was dazed on the floor. My fists shook from rage. I smiled and looked over at Mira.

"Mira...close you eyes for me okay?"

She staggered backward as the camp counselor closed the space between us, "What do you want you bitch? Oh?" He licked his lips, "Do you want to have some fun two? Well I guess I can make time for you t-"


Objects spilled the floor as his body flew backwards knocking over the aisles of supplies. Boxes littered the floor, cleaner spilled out from its bottles, and something flew up the lights making them flicker. The twisted little fuck spit out blood as I walked closer to him.

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