Mountain beaten. (Timeskip pt3)

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Tyson: -His eye seems to be back, but it looks weird, like there's a galaxy in there, and this strange sudden boost in power. How did he achieve this? Can he heal?-

Nicky: Nah, I can't heal. (This startles Tyson, making him unsure if he said it out loud or in his thoughts.) I can't read your mind, but I can feel what you're thinking. No, this isn't healing; it's more similar to bandages than healing. When I suffer a wound and this form activates, the wound stops getting worse. Of course, you can make it worse, but the bleeding is stopped. It won't be fatal as it stays like this -well, not that this wound is fatal anyway-

Tyson: This must be how you defeated Andrews, is it not?

Nicky: Well, half of it I guess. (Nicky speeds at Tyson to throw a right punch, but Tyson blocks it by catching his wrist. Tyson knees Nicky in the chin and keeps punching Nicky in the face while still holding onto his wrist and eventually throws Nicky over his head and smashes him into the ground. Nicky jumps up back to his feet and raises his hands towards Tyson.) RINGS OF SATURN. (Tyson realizes he can't dodge this and stood still as soon as he saw the rings coming, and a ring forms around Tyson, restraining his arms) Let's see how you fight with your feet. (Nicky throws a barrage of small stars at Tyson and he starts running to the side to avoid all of the mini nukes and reaches Nicky and goes for a horizontal high left kick but Nicky ducks it and right hooks Tyson's left side. Nicky then jumps back a bit) -It's risky, but I think I should go for it- (Nicky creates a mist which covers a great distance so Tyson can't escape from it, and soon Tyson felt multiple things hit him but none of it harming him)

Tyson: (Tyson swipes his hand, blowing the mist away) Is this?... (A large vein pops up on Tyson's head, and his connection to his power disappears) HOW DARE YOU ONCE MORE! (Turns out Nicky threw water, dirt, mud, and sand at Tyson.)

Tyson: -He's gonna be wild from now on. I'll be able to hit him, but taking hits will be a lot more risky- (Tyson jumps at Nicky with his arms out to grab him, but Nicky steps in and avoids the grab and punches Tyson in the stomach. He followed it up with a barrage of hooks to Tyson's stomach and sweeps his ankles and punches Tyson's face while he's falling down and gets on top of Tyson and punches him in the face repeatedly. Tyson manages to throw Nicky off of him, and Tyson rushes at Nicky and gets his punch blocked, but it launches Nicky away into the side of a mountain, and when Nicky recovers he sees Tyson flying at him with his mouth open ready to bite his head off. Nicky jumps away and Tyson takes a chunk out of the mountain.)

Nicky: -This guy is fucking crazy!- (Tyson jumps at Nicky, but Nicky grabs him by the wrist and flings him back to the ground. Nicky follows by jumping after him and creates a mini star and smacks it into Tyson's stomach synchronized with him hitting the ground causing a massive explosion as Nicky jumps away a bit) -I gotta follow up- (But before Nicky can do anything, Tyson who's now bloodied up hits Nicky with a lariat which sends him flipping in the air and Tyson turns around with a wild downward left punch into Nicky sending him into the floor and causing him to cough up blood) -That damage was much more than I expected- (Nicky coughs for a bit before defending himself from Tyson's onslaught by ducking, blocking, dodging, and even jumping)

???: (A man seeming to be around 40 sits on top of one of the many mountains there appearing to be training.) They sure are making a ruckus down there. I do feel quite a shocking storm to be unleashed soon. Hope it won't interfere with my training.

Nicky: GRAVITY LIFT. (Nicky messes with Tyson's gravity, causing him to float upwards. Nicky then seemingly creates a big ball of vines the size of a van and throws it into the air.) GRAVITY DUNK. (The ball of vines opens, revealing it being filled with diamonds, and Nicky uses his gravity powers to shoot the diamonds down on Tyson, which sends him crashing into the ground.) Just stay down, Tyson. (He, in fact, did not, and Tyson gets up quite quickly, now covered in bruises and cuts, breathing heavily.) Fine then, I pray this won't kill. (Nicky slowly aims his right palm at Tyson.) GAMMA RAY BURST. (Nicky's hand starts emitting crazy colors as he's about to shoot out a highly energetic beam, but as he does, he feels an immense pain throughout his arm and feels his power fade as the gamma ray burst fails.) -My form has disappeared. It didn't render me unconscious though- (Nicky looks at Tyson who is ready to continue his assault on Nicky, and so Tyson starts running and dropkicks Nicky away.) -I'm much weaker now. I can't take these hits- (Nicky starts to fade from the dropkick he took until he feels as if he's been electrocuted.)

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