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(Over at the arena)


Andrews: (andrews stands there looming over troy's unconscious body. Andrews is barely even damaged) they have been overrating you, troy. (Andrews walks away)

(Over at deckman's house)

Jin: (jin and nicky after watching the fight between andrews and troy) he really beat troy that easily?

Nicky: do you know him?

Jin: yeah i fought him at the underground. Easily my hardeat fight that i have won.

link: (link leaning at the back of the couch) regret accepting yet?

Nicky: i'm confident.

Velvet: awww is wittle nicky scawed? (She teasingly poked nicky's cheek)

Nicky: fuck off (he swats her hand away) don't you have anything better to do?

Velvet: I don't have a fight coming up, you do. Start training.

Link: y'know i have a suggestion. (Everyones ears perk up as soon as they hear link say that) what if instead of becoming faster, stronger, versatile, why you don't come up with technique's to use with world force? Like instead of just punching with a rock, try hitting somewhere specific or in a certain way, y'know?

Deckman: he has a fair point you know.

Jin: hmmm.... i have an idea!

Nicky: hit me.

Jin: that's gonna be part of it i guess. Follow me (jin walks to the backyard where they hold their sparring) here i'll show you some simple punches that would fit your style. Put your guard up.

Nicky: huh? Wait what're yo- (jin rushes at nicky and starts punching at his block.) what's the use if i'm already blocking?

Jin: (jin suddenly sends a left hook to nicky's liver making him drop his guard) AND THEN (jin copies the pose nicky always does when he goes for a stone-rising uppercut and then hits him with a right-upper. Nicky stumbles back a bit)

Link: (link whistles) nasty combo there!

Jin: if you use stone-rising with that upper it's a deadly weapon. Especially considering how low you go for it.

Nicky: (nicky in some pain) alright but y'know, you could've pretended to hit me!

Jin: sure but you just saw the true affect firsthand didn't you? Let's keep going, i'll show you some more.

(Time skip after nicky and jin training)
(At frost creek)

Reaper: so, you been assigned a fight for tomorrow, medwell.

Medwell: yes I'm aware, sir.

Reaper:hmmm turn around medwell i'm behind you (reaper sits on his chair with his fist to his chin)

Medwell: i knew that of course.

Reaper: being blind won't be an issue correct?

Medwell: well it could be if were blind.

Reaper: i thought you were?

Medwell: correct.

Reaper: so it will be an issue.

Medwell: what will be an issue?

Reaper: being blind!

medwell: am i though?

Reaper:...... i'll be seeing your results tomorrow.

Medwell: i wont be seeing much.

(Over at the Ventura's gym)

Ventura: (ventura is training) *the big fight with reaper is tomorrow. I'm confident but even if all goes wrong i still have that. I can't lose no matter what.*

(Over at the building where allajor countries of earth meet to discuss important topics. MEGA HALL)

(There are 8 leaders present the meeting:
Mortor, leader of mekkia
Sinnis, leader of rudia
Danny, leader of reku
Lian, leader of belaro
Skull, representing reaper of frost creek
Toshio, leader of hokaini
Deezy, leader of wondu
Seung, leader of stahr

Mortor: (angrily tapping his finger on the table) that bastard seung, calling all of us here and BEING LATE?

Deezy: chill, mortor. Don't act like you have anything going on right now bro.

Lian: hm it is rather inconsiderate to be late to one's own meeting. *many here wont take kind to such foolish actions*

Danny: hehehehe it better be something thrilling! Cause' i'm itching for some action.

Skull: (skull lights a cigar) *im surrounded by immature brats. How did they get elected?*

(Suddenly the doors fly open and it's seung)

Seung: sorry for the wait gentlemen, there was some delay in my travel.

Mortor: yeah yeah yeah, just get to the damn point already!

Seung: (seung takes a seat at the round table and puts his feet on the table) I'm declaring war on frost creek, who will join me?

Skull: (skull clenches his fists) YOU WHAAAAAT? (Smoke shoots out of skull) you have some nerve you brat! (Skull stands up)

Seung: be careful old man. You dont wanna blow your knees out do you?

Lian: seung, brother what is the meaning of this?

Seung: I'm sick and tired of everyone being so afraid of frost creek and their power, that they just let them do whatever they want. No country on this planet can stand up to them but together WE CAN! (Seung holds his arms up and presents a hologram of all present countries military count) THEY STAND NO CHANCE! Team up with me and we will defeat frost creek completely. I will be glad to hear your answers later. As for skull, good luck. (Seung starta grinning and walks away)

Skull: you brat! (Skull shoots a smoke ball at seung)

Seung: crush (seung turns around and sticks his hand out. The smoke ball completely evaporates) not a very nice showing is it skull? (Seung walks away)

Skull: so you were hiding invisible soldiers.

Seung: ah so you found out. (Seung claps his hands revealing his squad. The executioner's)

Skull: the rest of ya, do it too. (Skull looks at the rest.)

Deezy: hehehe my bad bro can't be too cautious around here. (Deezy signals to everyone to reveal themselves and every other leader does so too) but what about you, skull?

Skull: i dont need anyone. I'll destroy all of you.

Seung: surely you don't actually think that do you? (The 5 men seung brought all with various appearances and sizes get into a guard) they're ready to fight if you are, old man.

Sinnis: (sinnis stands up and everyone turns their heads) skull don't you have something better to do, Like preparing for war?

Danny: *just by standing up he makes everyone nervous of his power, quite impressive.*

Skull: you all better think about this war. Join him and you die (he points at seung who is grinning) think carefully (skull barges out of the room)

Seung: (seung looks at his strongest squad member who looks to be about 5'1 (154 cm) that went rather well don't you think?

??? If that's what you wanted... then yes.

nicky's rise Where stories live. Discover now