hero greeting

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**at machine forest**

Terry: listen up, medwell today i was requested to visit machine forest which is why we are here. I'm gonna do a meet and greet make sure not to fuck it up

Medwell: yes sir

Terry: good we head to core which is in the middle of the city

Medwell: i am well aware i have memorised this whole city like the back of my hand

Terry: y-you're blind

Medwell: i have memorised this whole city like the back of my hand

Terry: ooookay then let's go (terry and medwell head towards core and sit down in front of a table waiting for the organizers of the meet and greet to open

Medwell: are you sure this is wise mr.hero?

Terry: why wouldn't be?

Medwell: i'm not 100% sure yet

Terry: tch get back to me on that then

(After around 20 minutes of waiting and an hour of the meet and greet actually going on medwell approaches terry)

Medwell: sir i have made up my mind

Terry: heh?

Medwell: this is dangerous

Terry: take care of it then

Medwell: i am but a se-(terry cuts him off)

Terry: a servant we get it then i order you to take care of it

Medwell: that is out my range sir

Terry: (terry annoyed) do it

Medwell: very well (medwell looks around) *I'm blind looking around isn't helping* (medwell approaches a young man) i have a request humble fight

Taiga: the fuck do you want?

Medwell: my master is about to be assassinated i shall pay you quite nicely if you do

Taiga: this makes no sense is incredibly random you look blind and i dont know what i'm getting paid but i'll do because i'm bored (later when taiga is on top of a roof behind someone)

???: (they have a sniper rifle pointed at terry while talking to someone on a earpiece)

Taiga: you gettin' paid more than you think?

???: (the sniper quickly turns around aiming a small blaster at taiga with some kind of red substance inside of it)

Taiga: what're you gonna do with that squirt gun? Just put down the gun and leave we both already figured out i'm stronger than you

???: i leave and i don't get paid

Taiga: you stay and get your ass beat you ain't getting paid eitherway moron d'you wanna leave with or without bruises (taiga pulls out his katana-bat like weapon)

???: (holding the ear piece) very well then i have been ordered to leave (the sniper walks to the edge of the building and jumps off)

Taiga: (scratching his head) i got no damn clue what they wanted but they weren't determined that's for sure

(The sniper walks into a alley between to buildings)

???: (holding earpiece) yes sir it was the target down there (the sniper starts putting her weapons inside a bag when suddenly a door to one of the buildings open and a young guy walks out with a trash bag)

Nicky: so like should i let you go or call the cops on you?

???: (they try to pulls out their blaster but it gets stuck on the holster and when they do pull it nicky is already there holding their hand down so they cant aim it at him) LET GO

Nicky: (nickys gives a quick chop to the side of the neck knocking them out) sorry uhh lady? I dunno you have a very manly yet feminine voice (nicky walks back in) hey tero i walked out with trash and came back in with trash ain't that wacky?

Tero: why are you holding a person dressed in black like some kind of agent

Nicky: can you believe their nerve they tried holding me at gunpoint game a em' a good chop though

Tero: well call the cops and tie them up

Nicky: (salutes) aye aye (some time passes as nicky sits next to the tied up sniper waiting for the police) soooooo are you a woman or a man?

Sniper: like i'm telling you

Nicky: so if you were holding a big thing chunk of ice that's just 1 perfect chunk what would you do with it?

Sniper: i would never bothing picking such a thing up for no reason

Nicky: yeah you're a girl


nicky: well no but i'm a curious boy

Sniper: DIE

nicky: can't i don't have permission

Sniper: why are the police SO SLOW

Nicky: ahhh here they are (the police arrive and take the sniper) bye byeeee (nicky starts waving and the snipers yells are muffled)

Velvet: sooo i just woke and what happened?

Nicky: y-you had coffee?

Velvet: uhh yeah?

Nicky: phew good you are always such a bitch when you dont have coffee

Velver: heheh well that's true all be it a bit rude

Nicky: ahh don't worry about it whatever that was

Velvet: wanna check out that meet and greet at the core? Dude is supposed to be a hero

Nicky: ahh fuck it sure it's pretty boring today

To be continued

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