festival begin pt. 2

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Nicky pov

Jangar: alright keep punching these dummies i'm gonna get you something to drink

Nicky: alright by the time you're back i'll have done it

Jangar: you better (jangar returns) bro, how did you manage to miss every dummies weakspot

Nicky: (poses) natural talent

Jangar: TALENT FOR FUCKING UP? (he throws the drink at nicky and he catches and drinks it) also i'm not a teacher why doesn't deckman just do it?

Nicky: no good he doesn't know what pulsing energy is. Where do i have to focus my energy

Jangar: if it's to sense weaknesses it would be your eyes

Nicky: oh yeah there's the problem

Jangar: hm?

Nicky: i did everywhere except my eyes


Nicky: (starts focusing his energy into his eyes until he finally sees a light blue mist-like cloud form around the dummies weakspot) alright let's see (nicky goes for a punch to the dummies supposed weakspot and his fist goes through)

Jangar: damn, you actually did it, i'm impressed

Nicky: you better be

(Nicky and jangar start training along with jin and deckman until the day of the festival)

Nicky: (nicky, deckman and jin are eating breakfast until they hear the doorbell) y'know for such a isolated area there sure are a lot of visitors (nicky opens the door only to find a letter on the welcome mat) boys any of you expecting a letter or?

Deckman & jin: no?

Nicky: alright then (nicky opens the letter) who the hell even writes letters these days we literally have holograms like what the hell

Deckman: anyway what does it say?

Nicky: "and so the day has arrived. Remember i warned you, watch out" with a lobster claw in the bottom right corner

Jin: the hell does that mean?

Nicky: no clue (doorbell goes again and nicky opens the door a second time only to see a man in a black suit standing there)

Adams: so we meet again

Nicky: oh i vaguely remember you actually. Is it about the festival guard duty

Adams: good you seem brighter than i thought

Jin: no you thought correctly

Nicky: so do i still have to do it?

Adams: indeed i've come to remind you of that, but since you already know i'll have to take my leave. May you have a good day (adams gets back into his car and drives away)

Nicky: what a nice man i sure hope he doesn't die

Jin: shouldn't you get ready?

Nicky: hm why?

Jin: isn't best if you go early?

Nicky: i suppose that's true guess i'll get ready and go there. See you 2 there?

Deckman & jin: yep

(Nicky gets ready and heads for the festival jogging)

Nicky: hey atleast i'll get to workout a little (nicky is about halfway until he suddenly nicky has a really sharp feeling on the back of his head making him dodge instinctively and he turns around sweating, feeling like he just dodged death)

Anderson: (whistle) you managed to dodge, impressive


anderson: (acts as if he's confused) huh? I just pointed 👉 at you

Nicky: sure, sure, what do you want

Anderson: did you get the letter i sent you?

Nicky: that was you?

Anderson: yessir. Have you learned pulsing energy yet?

Nicky: it's a little slow to activate but yeah i guess

Anderson: good you're gonna need it jj

Nicky: yeah why do you call me jj?

Anderson: well your father's first name started with a j and your last name starts with a j so JJ

Nicky: you know my father?

Anderson: knew him yes i was a friend of his before i met reaper and died a year ago

Nicky: really? What was his name

Anderson: his name was johnathan but i always just called him johnie

Nicky: wait if he knew you does that mean he was a fighter aswell?

Anderson: yes he was he reached level 6 without magic or powers and wasn't having much trouble with them either he could've definitely gone to level 8 he was a very classis type of fighter. He used boxing and always observed enemies and counter attack in sequances after learning how they fight quite impressive

Nicky: i see

Anderson: wait, wait, wait, did you not become a fighter because your father was one?

Nicky: nope i never even met the guy

Anderson: oh well thats something. He always talked about you as if he was there with you

Nicky: yeah that is weird. Anyway i have to get going to the festival

Anderson: here i'll take you

Nicky: huh How would you do that? (Anderson puts his hand on nicky's shoulder and they teleport to the festival)

Anderson: **POP** we're here

Nicky: wait, is your ability telepo- **POP** (anderson teleports away)

Nicky: i'll take that as a yes (nicky looks around to see a huge festival in the gigantic plaza-like area) whoa guess they go all out for this type of thing

To be continued

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