Obvious alibi

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Zeke: I'm officer zeke. Before we go any further terry's aponent from today, nicky has an alibi.
We have reason to believe it was his assistant that was with him, medwell.

Nicky: damn, good to know i'm safe from being accused.

Velvet: good to know cops don't have the iq of the Alaska room temperature.

Marri: i wonder if they'll let us go

Zeke: i've been informed you are allowed to leave because this isn't a matter for civilians, nor any of the fighter present today, you are all allowed to leave but don't cause any ruckus.

(After a little while)

Nicky: (to both link and jangar in the lockeroom) so does this count as a draw?

Link: i would've won

Jangar: no no noooo i was the clear winner

Link: not like either opinions will get recognized as official by the arena. By the way, what was that whole thing you did againt that terry guy?

Nicky: oh that? I've called it world force. It doesn't register as a power for some reason.

Link: now i'm interested you gotta show it to me sometime

Nicky: alright i'm down sometime

(Over at the outside where jin and the rest are)

Marri: it's the first time i indulged in watching something like this.

Deckman: didja like it?

Marri: not sure but it certainly looked cool

Deckman: yeah jin's fights aren't as cool

Jin: WHAT? I'm much stronger and better than him

Deckman: you may have been comparable before but now...

Velvet: you got blown out of the water

Marri: hmm that's pretty harsh you sure he hasn't got something up his sleeve?


Jin: i'm getting there

Velvet: to admitting he's better?

Jin: (incoherent mumbling) it's not my fault i don't have powers to carry me

Nicky: (he comes walking out) sup guys i'm back, wanna head home?


nicky: no


nicky: i-is he okay?

Marri: not so sure, check later

(At some kind of press conference for the fighters)

Journalist #1: sir do you know your next apponent yet?

???: well (starts grinning) i sure have my eyes on someone that recently stepped into my territory (a red clothed and big built man sitting on a chair crossing his legs and arms) hehe i'm going back to fulltime fighting now that i'm recovered from my injury

Journalist #2: may we know who the apponent is?

???: HELL NO. I like surprising people

Journalist #1: is he the reason you've been grinning all this time?

???: hehehe WHO KNOWS?

(Over at whatever jin is doing)

Jin: (jin walking down the street in deep thought) *i gotta keep up somehow, i gotta learn more styles to combine them into something great. If only something convenient and helpful hit my in my face* (and then suddenly something convenient and helpful hit jin in the face) mhmhmhmpm (jin grabs the flyer that his face) finally my bad luck is turning around

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