medically cleared

6 0 1

(At machine forest)


Velvet: I've never seen you fight anyone other than me it'll be interesting to see

Tero: well i didn't work on your technique but i'm sure with this new evolved ability of yours and the fact that you are physically stronger and faster now that you've got this

Nicky: the only downside is that i have no idea how this guy fights

Tero: quick tip don't go all out immediately and start out basic to see how he responds that's usually a good way to check or if you can annihilate him in one blow but you do you

Nicky: that's what i'll try

Velvet: so when are you having this fight?

Nicky: not sure i'm going to ask my trainer deckman to contact my apponent to schedule it as soon as possible **POP**

Anderson: hello everyone it is i lobster head

Nicky: HAH you scared me

Anderson: i'm here to take you back to get you ready for your battle tomorrow

Nicky: ah okay cool- wait a second how do you know it's tomorrow and i don't?

Anderson: deckman was aware you were medically cleared and told me to tell you it's tomorrow

Nicky: that is extremely convenient

Anderson: so need anything before you go?

Nicky: no i should be good to go


Anderson: whyyyyy?

Velvet: because i wanna see the fight

Anderson: you can go tomorrow can't you?

Velvet: but it's to faaaar (in a whiney way)

Anderson: fuckin' whatever let's go two unless you wanna go too old man (tick mark appears on andersons forehead)

Tero: hehe no i'm good i'll be watching on the tv **pop** (anderson and the others teleport away) byeeeee they're already gone

*at deckman's house which is also just jin and nicky's house considering their fight money is what pays everything*

Deckman: ah i see you've returrrrned and you brought someone extra with you

Anderson: i don't want to hear it you asked for a favour don't complain

Velvet: hi my name's velvet i was nicky's training partner

Deckman: A-are you okay?

Velvet: why wouldn't i be?

Deckman: you spent quite some time with nicky and even trained with him there us no way you are this nice and mentally stable

Velvet: (looks at nicky) what did you do to them?

Nicky: hehehe don't worry about it

Deckman: anyway i'm sure you're panicking deep inside as to what terry's abilities are

Nicky: well i was thinking about it but not panicking

Deckman: shut up he had a power but it's not used for combat so don't worry about it but he has weapons

Nicky: i hate fighting those

Deckman: they are gloves that allow him to create shockwave and increase his punching power

Nicky: in otherwords i need to establish a skill issue between him and i in order to beat him

Deckman: that's one way of looking at it i suppose

Nicky: sooo where's the idiot

Deckman: i'm like 80% sure he is smarter than you as for where he is doing his usual exploring outside

Nicky: expect a phone call from the cops then

Deckman: I've prepared it

Nicky: mind if she stays over (points at velvet)

Deckman: sure not like i care

Nicky: imma play some games wanna join?

Velvet: sure

(And now for jin's wacky exploration adventure)

???: eh hello you ordered a taxi hombre?

Jin: yeah that was me (jin steps in the hovering taxi)

Pedro: ayllo my name is pedro and i am your criminal recordless taxi driver for today

Jin: this isn't sketchy at all let's so

(After a bit of driving)

Pedro: hey man mind if i make a stop real quick?

Jin: sure man (pedro pulls up at a place near the water full of shipping containers and warehouses and he walks into a warehouse soon after returns to the car)

Pedro: hey man mind helpin me out holmes?

Jin: sure (jin and pedro walk towards the warehouse and jin helps pedro carry some big heavy trash bag as they put it into the trunk of the car)

Pedro: thanks holmes this body is very heavy they ate way to many tacos- i mean the garbage bag of trash is heavy

Jin: yeah sure easy slip up of the tongue makes sense

Pedro: (the two get into the taxi) hey man i gotta drop this off somewhere if you don't mind

Jin: alright sure

Pedro: (pedro starts calling someone) hey boss i got the body and a passenger aren't i smart ese? I'm multi tasking

Boss: pedro for fuck sakes stop talking like that yes we are mexican but we were born and raised in the USA we don't have that accent

Pedro: but it's my blood holmes


pedro: no he wasn't waiting in the car

Boss: phew okay good

Pedro: it'd be rude to let him wait he helped me out the body was very heavy

Boss: GOD DAMN IIIIIIIIIIT **beep** **beep** **beep**beep

Pedro: he hung up

To be continued

nicky's rise Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя