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(Nicky and velvet roaming the streets of braight)

Nicky: it's a lot quieter out here nowadays, huh?

Velvet: people are afraid due to rising gangs and also other things

Nicky: like what?

Velvet: I don't know exactly, it's something about these random people attacking government officials and claiming to do us all a favor. They kill gangs, too.

Nicky: awww ain't that nice.

Velvet: I hear the gangs hang out in those open alleyways.

Nicky: oooh wanna check one out?

Velvet: god no, I don't wanna risk either of us getting hurt.

Nicky: I would be fiiiine. (Someone suddenly put their hand on Nicky's shoulder)

Packer: stand back kid.

Nicky: *this man in red, I recognize him* uh sure man

Packer: good I have something to take care of, haha you two run along now (the man in red descents into the dark alleyway)

Velvet: it's pretty bright out, wonder why the alleyway is all dark. (Some weirdly dress men start rushing into the alleyway)

Nicky: well, looks like there was a gang here. Let's leave.

Velvet: aye aye captain.

Nicky: (they start walking away while sometimes looking back) interesting.

(Inside the alleyway)

Packer: (the large man in red starts laughing) HYAHAHAHA JUST ONE PUNCH FOR ALL OF YOU. (The men from earlier start rushing in) y'know my one true dream isn't one-shotting everyone, I want a good fight with a strong guy. I don't mean strong as in could one shot me but more like, having a long even battle, y'know (the other gang members look at him confused)

Gang member 1: should we mess with the crazy?

Gang member 2: bad question, we work for crazy.

Gang member 1: so either we get concussed by this dude or die by the boss? Oh, fuck that, I'm choosing the concussion. (Packer starts grinning as the rest of the gang members jump him)

Packer: please stay standing after one hit, HEHEH

(At frost creek)

Anderson: (Tyson hands Anderson a drink) thanks frieeeeend.

Tyson: alright, will you get your feet off the table now? It's not hygienic.

Anderson: calm down, these are my indoor shoes.

Tyson: I've seen you go out with those almost every day.

Anderson: (sip) cool story. Go tell that to Andrews.

Tyson: will he be amused?

Anderson: Definitely not, but I would be.

Andrews: what about me dipshits?

Anderson: he called you a bitch.

Andrews: shut it lobster head I know for a fact he wouldn't.

Ryker: everyone. (Everyone turns their head to the reaper) meet our new, business partner. (A calm and collected man walks through the door) everyone meet medwell.

Anderson: I presume he is not a new member.

Ryker: correct, he's just here as a sort of...employment

Andrews: assassin. You mean assassin.

Ryker: oh c'mon ice cream, that word is so dirty.

Andrews: so why am I not murdering you for that comment?

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