The description

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Nyx: you heard me.

Anderson: okay but why?

Nyx: well you don't have a bad personality and you're strong that's all i need in a man.

Anderson: i uhhhh I'll think about it.

Nyx: so to win you over imma stay here on earth.

Anderson: nononono you won't live with me. *I cant let this battle hungry god be in the same room as reaper* how about you live somewhere separately and we meet up often instead? *please say yes*

Nyx: fine that's acceptable. (The gang and also andrews arrive at their location)

Anderson: sup guys?

Jin: uh hey man you good?

Anderson: yuhuh. Why?

Jin: Well you fought a god

Anderson: oh don't worry about that i won HEH. (Everyone's jaws drop)

Nyx: mhm and now we're getting married (she hug anderson's arm causing them to drop their jaws once more)

Anderson: nonono i still haven't said yes.

Nyx: you will.

Nicky: sooooo~ are we safe?

Nyx: hm? Oh yeah sure. I only wanted to fight someone strong.

Nicky: it really isn't all that shocking that, anderson is the one to beat an actual god.

Jin: well i gotta go now.

Nicky: you got something going on?

Jin: promised marri i'd explore the city with supervision.

Nicky: that supervision being marri?

Jin: yeah...

Marri price:
5'3 (160 cm)
Blonde hair that reaches to her shoulders with 2 strands going up on the top of her head
Blue eyes
Wears a pink shirt with a black jacket that cuts off at the midriff
Wears jeans
Wears black converse shoes
Powers: bubble
Umetnost (artistry) : none

Nicky: huh? That....was weird

Jin: what was?

Nicky: I don't know but i feels like the streak has been broken

Jin: okay? Well i'm leaving now.

Velvet & nicky: bye.

Nyx: SO WHAT'S YOUR ANSWER? Answer quickly before i eat you now.(nyx stands there crossing her arms smiling)

Anderson: uhhhhhh well uhhhh well i  uhhhhh dunno. Cuz like theres a lot to eat y'know?

Nyx: there's a lot to eat? Good BECAUSE I'M A HUNGRY BITCH!

Anderson: nicky help! (Nicky is already gone) *christ*

(Time skip to jin and marri at the mall)

Jin: so you just gonna make me carry the bags?

Marri: you're strong and i'm not, so you gotta.

Jin: with a gorilla punch like that i know you're not weak.

Marri: im gonna let that slide because i'm in a good mood today.

Jin: sure, sure. (Jin looks over at the hologram in the middle of the mall which is displaying dancers) *look at those smooth. Not a single movement is wasted, it's perfect every time. Maybe if i just* (jin starts imagining himself doing his usual techniques but in a more calm and fluent motion) *if i move calmly and fluently like that i could become strong* (suddenly jin snaps out of it after marri was shouting at him) HUH? Wuh was that?

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