Grown up

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(Jin and nicky standing in a field next to a river facing eachother)

Jin: Last time we had a serious battle i won remember?

Nicky: yeah and you weren't a complete tool.

Jin: i had a quick rundown about your group you know. Do you really think they can stand up against a country such as stahr?

Nicky: yeah i know they can. They have me.

Jin: oh please yaint that strong.

Nicky: strong enough to beat you. Don't be mistaken jin. This wont be some emotional struggle of a fight. I will destroy you.

(Over at bowie and maker)

Bowie: (still on the large disc in the sky) it seems the rest of our forces have arrived (they hear a lot of battle cries) this is entirely winnable. *though i do wonder where nicky is*

Nicky: (nicky without hesitation sprints at jin and delivers a dropkick which sends jin flying backwards) DID I SAY YOU COULD STAND UP? (Nicky grabs jin by the neck and spins him around and slams him back into the ground. Nicky rapidly punches jin in the face while having his knee onto his chest.) i'll make sure you wont get up.

Jin: *he suddenly got enraged!* (jin holds his right hand in front of his face and pokes out two fingers which he transforms into spikes. Nicky jumps backwards to dodge them allowing jin to stand up.) not like i'm following rules anyway. (Jin wipes blood from his mouth and heals) how long can you last nicky? (Jin elongates his right leg and makes it whip around at nicky horizontally which nicky jumps over. Jin kicks his leg up and tries to slam it down upon nicky. Nicky, instead of dodging holds his right hand up and covers it with stone to block it. Nicky grabs the leg and puts it on the ground. Nicky puts his knee of the leg and hold tight onto jin's calf and rips it off.) AAGGHH YOU PIECE OF- (Nicky interrupts jin by shooting a rock gauntlet which makes jin fall over)

Nicky: this is not a joke jin. Fight seriously or else. (Jin regenerates his leg)

(Over at the hospital jangar can be seen in the hospital in a stable condition.)

Jangar: ah, i knew you'd come.


Jangar: as you can see i've lost my arm. I can get it back but, i'd feel ashamed. Many warriors before me had not such privilege.

???: and you want me to... what exactly?

Jangar: use him (jangar points at his katana in the corner of the room.)

???: think he'll like me?

Jangar: he will... trust me.

???: very well. (The man grabs the katana and heads to the door.)

Jangar: heading out already?

???: the first person i use this on will be the man who did this.

Jangar: tyson, from dead lobster.

???: very well. Lets head out... (he talks to the girl that accompanied him.)

Girl: gonna fight huh?

???: we will.

(Over at nicky and jin.)

Jin: FINE I'LL MATCH THAT ENERGY!!! (Jin makes two axes from his palms. Jin rushes at nicky and throws a barrage of strikes with the axes which he narrowly dodges. (Jin opens his arms and aims to strike nicky's neck. Nicky puts up two stone covered fists which block the hits. Nicky kicks jin in the stomach. Nicky follows up with a left uppercut and a right overhead, stunning jin. Nicky throws out a chain of repeated punches, over and over and over again. Nicky eventually uppercuts jin with a stone-uprising and while jin is suspended into the air nicky hits him with a clothesline while shooting high pressure water from the back of his arm for more power. Jin flies backwards while flipping a whole bunch of times but jin just lands on his feet while sliding back.) i'll just take the range. (Jin transforms his left hand into a chainsaw.) OLD TECH STILL WORKS WONDERS! (Jin elongates his left arm and whips it around until slamming his chainsaw hand onto nicky. Nicky creates a cave and the chainsaw clashes against the stone. It eventually goes all the way through but nicky just holds his right hand up.) YOU CAN'T REGENERATE REMEMBER? (the chainsaw stops spinning as nicky blocks it with his knuckle duster.)

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