more than bad luck

5 0 0

(currently at Pedro's stop)

Pedro: hey hombre mind following me man? (Pedro and Jin have arrived at a decently sized building which next to it is a flight of stairs leading to the underground)

Jin: downstairs? Sure nothing can go wrong i'm sure (Pedro and Jin head for the underground)

Boss: (through the intercom) pedro head for my office and bring that guy with you

Pedro: yes uncle


Pedro: okay uncle boss

Boss: ughhhh

Jin: great bond you two have

Pedro: yeas thank you (pedro and jin walk past a long hallway which include cells each containing a prisoner)

Jin: so this is a leisurely stroll (each prisoner barely being able to make a noise due to exhaustion and dehydration) so what's in that cell? (Jin points a cell much larger than the others with a lot more objects inside)

Pedro: another voluntary room inhabitant apparently some rich family's daughter

Jin: *"voluntary room inhabitant" huh? It's like this guy isn't even aware of the stuff he's doing* (jin looks over to the larger cell)

???: **please save me** (in a very soft voice inside of jin's head)

Jin: *what the fuck was that? It's like it went through my head or it's probably nothing

???: **please save me** (in a bit of a louder voice)

Jin: *there it is again oh well not like it matters*

???: **I AM TALKING TO YOU, YOU MORON** (it's just yelling a this point)

Jin: *alright who is it*

???: **me in the larger cell**

jin: why should i help?

???: **how heartless whenever a young pretty girl asks you to save her you should just immediately do it**

Jin: what do i get from it?

???: **ughhh money how about that?**
Jin: bitchin how i do?

???: **well first you-** (jin cuts her off)

Jin: *ssssshhhh don't tell me i wanna figure this out on my own it's like a puzzle in a video game*

???: **................on second thought leave me here**

Jin: *no i've been challenged now so i must complete this puzzle*

???: **i hope you fail**

Jin: *see you soon*

Pedro: so come here often hombre?

Jin: no i literally don't

Pedro: i'm sure the boss and you will get along fine

Jin: i hope so

Pedro: (pedro and Jin arrive at 2 large doors after walking up some stairs) okay friend we are here (pedro opens the door) hello uncle boss we are here

Boss: what took you so long

Pedro: look boss it's a big underground area

Boss: so you are the random stranger who helped a random guy carry a body (the boss is clearly pissed)

Jin: you know he seems like a nice guy so i thought "yeahhh it can't be a body" ya know? (Jin starts running away heading for the doors before someone suddenly appears in front of the doors kicking jin away) ow that wasn't how i imagined it

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