fueling the wildfire

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Jin pov

Jin: (on the way to a fast food restaurant to celebrate his win with deckman) alright it might seem weird celebrating at a fast food joint right? But sometims the most simple of things will make all else seem worth the complications and hard work

Deckman: what are you on about? Not like i mind where we celebrate. Besides i feel a but weird celebrating after that terrorist attack the whole country has been on edge especially how they were able to do it so silently and quickly. They put space magic on lanterns stands and all of the decorations and because space magic allowes you to store anything you want they filled it up with as much shapr objects as they could. Glass,nails,spikes and way more and shot them out of the storage space and hit nearly everyone

Jin: yeah and also how the son of the level 10 ventura died in the attack aswell he's been rampaging trying to find answers. Apparently "the reaper" ryker made him extra angry by saying he had part of it and if ventura could beat his old rival "skull" again he would fight him

Deckman: wasn't aware of that

Jin: yeah i heard from jangar earlier today when he called me about it

Deckman: i remember when skull and ventura were rivaling it was a legendary fued. They were truly at eachothers necks

Jin: ah right i forgot you were that old (smirks)

Deckman: (hits jin on the side of his neck)

Jin: you bi- ah (jin cant move and is just frozen in place but that wears of after about 5 seconds) w-what the hell was that?

Deckman: it's an old technique where you hit someone on the side of the neck and puts them frozen in place for a while (blows his fist as if there were smoke)

Jin: i want to apologize my almighty teacher. I know my place

Deckman: you better

(Skip after jin and deckman celebrate todays victory and the morning after)

Deckman: i heard the fight between skull and ventura is happening in 3 days and i have some news for you

Jin: 1st off we need to watch that
2nd what is i?

Deckman: venturas manager |also his wife| (he says under his breath) contacted
Me and ventura said he wanted you to come over to his training gym

Jin: (mouth wide open)..........WHAT?

deckman: well he was interested in nicky before and did investigating a while back and found out about you and watched your fight with midas and wants to learn a bit of your style to really stick it to skull

Jin: (mouth still wide open)........WHEN DO WE GO

Deckman: now

Jin: HUH?

(Jin and deckman about to enter the stream traveler)

Jin: what even is this (jin staring a giant pillar of pink and white pillar of light with a large hole with seats for 2 people in it)

Deckman: that is a stream traveler you have to first reserve a spot and it will take you almost anywhere almost instantly. Now GET IN (deckman kicks jin into the stream traveler

Jin: i'm scared (the large hole closes and takes them to the stream traveler closest to venturas gym)

Jin: (jin and deckman walking out of the stream traveler) are you sure this doesn't cause multiple diseases?

Deckman: i'm sure it's fine

Jin: nah that ain't good enough

Deckman: ughhh shut up and let's go

Jin: one minute please?

Deckman: you getting a level 10 angry? You realise you 2 are going to spar too right?

Jin: n-no?

Deckman: now you know

Jin: you know what i think i'll head back (jin turns back but deckman starts dragging jin by his hair)

(Skip to them standing in front of nemeth-gym)

Jin: (staring at the building up and down) this gym is bigger than our house IT HAS 3 FLOORS

Deckman: only those of level 6 and higher are allowed to join the gym you're probably the first unofficial level 3 to enter this building maybe ever

Jin: (shaking) i-i-i-i-i-i-i'm scared

Deckman: oh come on it's just a bit of sparring hahaha (they enter the gym seeing ventura 7 thousand kilos in 1 hand easily multiple times)

Jin: (staring at deckman) if you hate me you can just tell me

Deckman: (sweating) well, good luck (they walk up to ventura)

Ventura: ah so you came don't mind me i'm just doing some light lifting are you ready to spar? i'll explain why during the spar

Jin: (can barely stand) uhuh light yea totally how much does that even weigh

Ventura: 7 thousand kilos

Jin: isn't that how much a T-rex can weigh?

Ventura: dunno never checked well lets do it (ventura gives jin a light slap on the shoulder sending him to floor) WHOOPS

(skip to them standing in the basement fighting circle with a cage around it)

Ventura: so now that the protective gear is on it shouls be safe for me to touch you

Jin: yeah i noticed how you said touch instead of hitting that does not make me less anxious

Ventura: get ready young man (ventura suddenly appears in front of jin as if he teleported and immediately moved to the side of jin. Before jin could realise he had moved to the side he threw a wild punch forward without his brain processing he was already gone) need to be faster young man

Jin: *how is this old man so fast* (jin kicks with his right leg to his left where ventura is standing while aiming for his nose but ventura had already dissapeared to jin's right when he threw the kick) *now he's just fucking with me

Ventura: let me try that (ventura goes for a high kick to jin's nose but stops right before impact but the wind knocked jin agianst the cage) i see you are quite accurate if you were aiming there in such a short amount of time to aim. i must request you use strikes below the face as my apponent has no face only but a skull. I want to really make him feel pain so that i can move on to "the reaper"

Jin: i got a whole arsenal for every section of the body i'll gladly show you (jin dashes towards ventura as he was right in front of ventura, jin jumps and goes for a quick and sharp horizontal kick with the tip of his right foot to the throat but ventura dodged by swaying back a few inches)

Ventura: truly impressive young man. How did it go was it this? (Ventura jumps up and does the exact same thing but makes sure to miss by a few inches and knocks jin away by the gust of wind made)

Jin: *he can copy my techniques and purposefully miss by a few inches his skill is insane it's now that i realise the gap between us it's kinda depressing but at the same time exhilarating* here's another

Ventura: come at me (jin gets very close to ventura and uses his left hand to hold ventura's right shoulder to give himself more stability and power to knee him im the liver followed by a right hook to the head while ventura is just smiling) yes that was nice, young man your style is truly what i was looking for

Jin: (jin balls up his right fist but makes his middle fingle stick out slightly and turns his fist vertically and goes for a horizontal strike to ventura's throat)

Ventura: (ventura's eyes widen in excitement and whistles) you even know how to effectively use such a technique? (Ventura does the same thing to jin but missing but a few inches of course) these (stares at his fists) will come in handy

To be continued

nicky's rise Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz