signing in

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Nicky pov

Reaper: i could indeed kill him right here but starting a whole war with the country wouldn't be very smart

Andrews: fuck the country they aren't doing shit *andrews makes a sword out of ice*

Tyson: *grabs the sword* you won't *he breaks it*

Anderson: *chuckles* if you really want em' dead just challenge him to an arena fight ice boy

Andrews: why would i do that, that's no fun

Anderson: i mean it's not like you can kill him here right, i mean there's only 3 whole people much much much much much stronger than you to stop you but noooo you got this don't you buddy 👍

Andrews: or instead i kill you, you sarcastic lobster

Anderson: 😲 *gasp* oooh no please don't let me legally "accidently" murder you that would be tragic

Tyson: anderson stop being such a child

Anderson: and you stop ruining everything that's fun

Reaper: let's go back to base there's work to be done

Anderson: alrighty ryky

Reaper: don't call me that *dead lobster walks away*

Deckman: *walks towards nicky who is still on the ground* you good kid?

Nicky: i mean i guess?

???: you sure have some luck kid

Nicky: a-a-a-a-a CYBORG

???: normally they woulda just killed ya seems like they are on bad terms with the government and on hot water

Nicky: so you're saying god just high fived me?

???: sure if that's how you wanna look at it

Nicky: well my strange metal samurai friend what's your name

Jangar: jangar hiryu

Nicky: *stands up* that's a stupid name your parents must've hated you

Jangar: i'll tell you when i see em'

Nicky: oh damn

Age 21
Has a black metal body on the outter sides of his body
The more inner sides seem to be made out of hard silver fibers
With a dark green katana on his side with a metal scabbard with a button on the side
Dark red hair messy hair
5'11 (180 cm)
Brown eyes

Powers: unknown
Magic: unknown

Jangar: so i can tell you're new here need some directions?

Nicky: I wanna sign into the arena battles

Jangar: just where i was heading

Nicky: you're signing in too?

Jangar: not signing, fighting

Nicky: oooo what level

Jangar: level 2

Nicky: impressive *deckman and nicky start clapping with a blank face* 👏 👏 👏 👏

Jangar: the blank and bored faces weren't necessary

Jangar: c'mon i'll show you the way

nicky's rise Where stories live. Discover now