smoke seeking missiles

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Ventura pov

Ventura: (ventura rushes at skull with his fire sword and starts a fast combo of slashes that are all being dodged) *let's start pulling out the new tricks (ventura goes for a diagonal slash which skulls dodges by swaying back. Skull then tries to counter but suddenly the back of the fire sword handle extends and bends over ventura's head, and hits skull in face.

Skull: well it packs a punch but it's shame i dont feel a thing when it's a blow to the head. You should know that by now. Sniper shot (skull fired a fast, thin line of quick smoke at point blank. ventura barely manages to dodge, but gets hit by a left hook from skull, followed by a straight right makin ventura take a couple steps back)

Ventura: shoot to kill (ventura extends his fire sword very quickly in an attempt to hit skull, but skull dodges. Ventura immediately follows it up by a horizontal slash, but skull jumps over it.

Skull: SILLY TRICKS LIKE THAT WONT WORK (skull goes for a punch to ventura's face but ventura catches the punch and they are at a standstill)

Ventura: angry because you know you'll lose?

Skull: oh please, were are even in nearly everything.

Ventura: nearly. That may be true, however (ventura goes for a punch to skulls throat with his hand tilted sideways with his middle finger sticking out a little. skull manages to block it, but begins to bleed out of his arm

Skull: learned something dangerous have you?

Skull: defensive magic: pressure
(Skull and ventura at the same)
Ventura: power boosting magic: fuel

(Ventura uses a wave-like burst of fire. Skull at the same time uses a smoke covered palm-strike with repelling defensive magic, sending eachother flying backwards and breaking the ground beneath them)

Ventura&skull: *my opportunity*

(Ventura and skull fly at eachother high in the sky both going for big punch but they clash. Ventura and skull throw rapid punches at eachother but all are blocked and dodged. ventura then uses his left hand to hold skull's right shoulder to give himself more power in the air to knee him in the liver followed by a right hook to the head and a double axe handle sending skull to the ground making a small crator)


Ventura: cope, seethe and mald (ventura lands on the ground and points his hand at skull while skull is lying on the ground.) Heat wave (ventura charges a wave a fire but right before he can fire it, skull throws a ball of smoke at ventura's head, but ventura merely tilts his head to the left) all out of tricks?

Skull: (skull starts chuckling) heheheheheh ventura, you may not have noticed but ever since we sent eachother flying backwards, you have been inside a trick

Ventura: thanks for letting me know (ventura makes a ring of fire around skull, and the ring of fire starts closing in on skull)

Skull: HAHAHA TIME, TO KICK INTO THE NEXT GEAR SMOKE SEEKING MISSILES (skull starts spinning around shooting balls of smoke rapidly, but ventura jumps up and avoids all of them) FOLLOW (the smoke balls suddenly fly up towards ventura, ventura then starts flying around but they follow him. Ventura is trying to dodge them and shooting fire at them, but nothing works)

Ventura: as if i haven't fought against such an attack before (ventura shoots a very high powered fireball towards the ground making the ground explode and giant rocks fly upwards, which ventura flies and navigates through and around it. All of the snoke balls hit the rocks and get canceled out. Ventura flies towards the ground taking cover at a big rock caused by ventura's explosion)


Ventura: follow, Did he send more? (Ventura peaks around the cover but sees nothing until he gets in the back by a smoke ball with enough force push him into the rock and break the rock  *did i miss one? Couldn't be i was sure i got them a-* (ventura remembers the one skull threw when he was on the floor)

Skull: you aren't the only who learned new things HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (a lot of smoke starts pouring out of skull's skull

"Reaper" ryker pov

Ryker: (at frost creek watching the battle) skull sure is enjoying himself. Tyson

Tyson: yes sir?

Ryker: what do you feel are the odds?

Tyson: if i may voice my opinion 50-50

Ryker: it seems we both agree, and so does everyone else except...... (ryker looks at anderson)

Anderson: *sticks out tongue with 1 eye closed* i just think ventura has one thing skull doesnt

Ryker: go on

Anderson: reason. He has a reason for doing this, all be it false.

Ryker: revenge for his dearest son. (Ryker summons a small weird looking pistol sending out small bursts of fire) heheheh this is all it can muster huh? Pathetic.

Ventura pov

Ventura: (ventura rips of his shirt and steam starts coming off of him) come on you bastard

Skull: (takes his coat off) very well lets get serious  (skull and ventura charge at eachother throwing rapid punches and kicks all attacks embued with each respective mastered magics, and powers. The power of these two clashing causes the ground beneath them to break more and more as they keep going lower and lower) YOU'RE GONNA NEED A LOT MORE THAN THIS TO BEAT THE BOSS LET ALONE ME

ventura: WHO EVER SAID THAT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT MUCH. WE ARENT GOING ALL OUT JUST YET. (Ventura and skull eventually land a punch on eachother and then they start wailing on eachother without defending themselves. They are just taking the blows and dishing out just as many.)

Ryker pov

Ryker: both men fully understood that they might not return alive, and so did the country of braight allowing it to be a death match. To braight it's merely one final bout to settle a dispute, but to us..... it's the next step to ultimate power

Troy: (with popcorn in his mouth) sho, why dey even hate eachodder?

Ryker: lobster head.

Anderson: aye aye cap'n. Well troy, their  rivalries began at the good age of 7. (Flaaaashbaaack in the middle of a fight) they never saw eye to eye, ventura was surprisingly always the mean on and skull quite the innocent kid. They always got into little kiddy fights, wether it was about playground objects, girls, videogames or just about who the strongest one is, hands were thrown. Ventura would be quite the bully one time even stealing skull's girlfriend just to dump her right after.
Eventually both of them changed as they got older. Ventura got wiser and stronger, meanwhile skull was still filled with hatred and anger towards ventura. Ventura helped all he could to atone for his past, because he had also committed quite the few crimes such as, stealing and illegal fighting. Such as the rumors of ventura sending out low levels to fight to their deaths against high levels. He merely took the blame for their carelessness to make them not look like fools. Skull however got involved with gangs and thugs and eventually moved up the rankings. Skull and ventura eventually met as a coincidence in a fight in the arena, as skull and ventura started at the same time and fought eachother in their debuts. Countless battles continued afterwards, eventually they made it to the world rankings. Not once had they challenged the champion, only eachother. They fought others aswell but mostly each other. They might've had the power to become champion, but it was never confirmed. And now here we are today, seeing them fight once again for the first time in 10 years.

Troy: no idea skull was actually kinda cool, That came as surprise.

Ventura pov

Ventura: (ventura and skull standing in the middle of a huge crator. Both men are bloody.) What do you say we go all out?

Skull: couldn't agree more
(Suddenly the crator gets filled, half of smoke half of fire while both men are yelling while going into their final power up)

Ventura: LET'S DO THIS.


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