Nicky vs packer pt2

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(Still at the fight)

Deckman: shit how's he going to get up from that

Link: the announcer hasn't said its over yet so he should be able to stand up

Jin: how would the announcer know though?

Link: they got technology that can scan the participants the whole time and it knows they cant keep going

Jin: always wondered how they knew that (back in the battlefield)

Packer: (looks over at the announcers booth) so the kid is fine huh? Hoh

Nicky: (nicky slowly starts to get back up) i'm better than fine

Packer: good your spirit is alive and well

Nicky: i know it's cliché but i promised someone i'd beat you

Packer: clichés bore me but i like you so go on

Nicky: that friend of yours the girl she asked me to beat you (nicky thinks back to before he entered the building)

(Before they entered the building)

If you don't remember her she was from the chapter "training for the red menace"

Vox: (outside the building) hey you

Nicky: (nicky looks to the left) yeah? Whatsup?

Vox: my name is beavox and i'm your opponent's friend

Nicky: hm? You trying to bring me down before the fight?

Vox: the opposite i want you to win

Nicky: that's one toxic friendship why's that?

Vox: he isn't like what he used to be the fighting has changed him and he seems to think he's invincible i want you to beat him so that he returns to normal

Nicky: (nicky with a surprised face) that's new but sure i'll make sure to win

Vox: promise?

Nicky: not like i'm going in there to lose (nicky fist bumps vox even though she tried to go for a handshake) anyways cya (nicky walks into the building along with deckman and link)

(Back to the fight)

Nicky: y'know you should really listen to her

Packer: fighting is too exciting

Nicky: i suppose the only way to get it through to someone like you, someone like us rather is to beat it into us (nicky without his guard up walks up to packer and packer puts his guard up) this is the first you've put your guard up (nicky standing in front of packer) round 2 (nicky uppercuts packer by slipping through his guard connecting and cracking his helmet)  you have almost never used a guard so it's awful (nicky shoves his right behind packers arms by doing a back kick almost making it look like packer is holding on to it)

Packer: this your plan? To let me get free shots in? (Nicky pushes his leg down making packer lower his arms with it. Nicky grabs packer's helmet and knees him with his left knee in the helmet making the shine and reflection it once had go away by breaking the surface of the helmet)

Nicky: that plan seemed to work well

Jin: (mumbling) who told him to learn how to use his legs (jin says crossing his arms and acting like a child)

Marri: aww is wittle jin being outdone? (Jin turns around)

Jin: hate you

(Back at the fight)

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