cracked skull

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Dead lobster pov
(At the dead lobster lead ice country frost creek)

Anderson: so why did you challenge the wildfire?

Ryker: well first we need preparations before we make our move

Andrews: tch

Ryker: something on your mind, iceman?

Andrews: do we really need to go to all these lengths. Can't we just hit up some graves of history's strongest fighters?

Ryker: name 1 that is stronger than ventura in his prime who's grave location is known

Andrews: (gets annoyed) that's the thing he's not in his prime he's much weaker now than he used to be damn it

Ryker: like i said "preparations"

Andrews: oh please as if you have a solution for his old age

Ryker: you may be useful, iceman but you sure are ignorant (ryker clearly angered)

Anderson: (anderson pops in with some burritos) guys, guys ease up with  the tension guys have some burritos Kay? 😉

Ryker: you annoy me more than Andrews sometimes you know that

Anderson: (acting as if he has microphone in his collar) mission accomplished over KHGG

Ryker: i regret meeting you. (Ryker looks at the clock) tyson should return soon

Anderson: from what

Ryker: cleaning the whole mansion

Anderson: he sure hates his germs don't he?

Ryker: if it's one thing he hates it's germs

Anderson: and women

Andrews: actually i think that's because girl keep sticking to him like a fridge magnet

Anderson: "actually i think that's because girl keep sticking to him like a fridge magnet" -🤓

Andrews: CATCH (andrews throws an axe made of ice at anderson's head but anderson just teleports in and out of his seat to dodge)

Anderson: need to work on your throwing arm (anderson imitates him throwing an axe)

Andrews: tch showoff

Anderson: well i'm not perfection WINK

tyson: (tyson just walked in the room) was you saying wink out loud necessary?

Anderson: no i just want to lighten the mood considering skull leaves a trail of tension behind him

Tyson: you really put him on the spot, boss

Ryker: well certainly may have been sudden but skull needs to do more than handle business if he wants to stay in the team

Andrews: i finally agree with you for the first time

Skull: (skull walks into the room) come lobster head we have sparring to do (smoke starts flowing out of skulls....skull)

"Skull" real name unknown:
His head is a skull due to him being a rare transformation hybrid race
Doesn't wear a shirt
Wears a brown jacket with fur on the collar
Wears black loose pants
No eyes
(Brain is not visible)
Height 5'7 (170 cm)
Relatively buff
Age: 57
Powers: lingering smoke
Magic: several defensive kinds

Ryker: so "mountain eater" what will you do next?

Tyson: i'm going to train troy for his next upcoming fight. He may rival you in power soon, andrews

Andrews: bullshit, that kid will not go far and definitely not surpass me (looks extremely pissed off)

Tyson: well he already beat you mentally it seems (tyson leaves)

Andrews: tch

Jin pov:

Jin: (standing in the sparring circle with ventura after 2 days of sparring and teaching ventura his moves) so ...huff... that's about everything...huff

Ventura: HAHA thank you mr.layso (ventura smacks jin on the shoulder but jin does fall this time) HOH and it seems you benefitted from this aswell. What say you and your trainer come over to my house and join my wife and i for dinner

Deckman: are you sure? We wouldn't want to overwork the lady

Ventura: HAHA how nice. We have people that cook for us we are rich you know

Deckman: (hurt internally) oh i see we accept your offer mr.nemeth

Ventura: very well. HONEY CALL THE COOKING TEAM TELL THEM WE HAVE GUESTS. You may bring another person if you so wish

Jin: if you don't mind

Ventur: of course not, its the least i could do

"The wildfire" Ventura:
Age: 54
Has a blemish under his right eye going above his right eye symbolizing his fire power
Wears a black wool shirt
Always has a vest-like piece of clothing with alot of openings in orange and yellow to make it look like fire
Wears baggy black pants that go down to his knees with his pockets being red and the knee portion heing red aswell
Blue eyes
5'8 (172 cm)
Powers: fire
Magic: power boosting magic

Jin: (calling jangar) hey got a question have you had dinner yet?

Jangar: i'm going to assume you're not asking me out so what's the occasion

Jin: ventura the level 10 invited deckman and i for dinner and i can bring someone along, you in?

Jangar: I'm down where is it at

Jin: i'll send you the location

Jangar: alright bro see ya then

Ventura: you guys ready?

Jin: sure

(Skip to everyone including jangar standing in front of the stream traveler)

Jin: oooohhh noooooo

To be continued

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