hero vs hero

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(At deckmans house)

Deckman: mind telling me why there is another person here

Jin: well see i got into a fight with the leader of a gang and i set this girl free because she promised money

Deckman: i take back that i said that you were smarter than nicky

Jin: also she's staying here for a little

Deckman: if she needs a place to stay do you really think she has money to give you


Deckman: get it now?

Marri: look old man i'll get my family to send money over they are rich

Deckman: then why not stay with them?

Marri: because i hate them

Deckman: so why would they listen to you?

Marri: look they didn't care when i got kidnapped but once they know i'm free they'll pretend to care and send money over it't not hard to understand

Deckman: hm if you say so.....WAIT I'M NOT THAT OLD THAT WAS SO RUDE

jin & nicky: you are very old

Deckman: oh your back from the store

Nicky: yuhuh gotta get ready for tomorrow

Velvet: i'm here too

Deckman: didn't know you were gone

Velvet: well i don't know this place well so i thought might aswell look around

Nicky: who's that?

Jin: saved from a gangstar

Nicky: gangstar?

Jin: yeah you don't know what that is?

Nicky: isn't it gangSTER?

jin: well what sounds cooler

Nicky: (looks at deckman) you sure he's smarter than me

Deckman: i'm having second thoughts

Jin: look the breakout was planned

Marri: i literally told you what to do step by step as it was happening

Jin: noone asked you

Marri: it's true though

Jin: shut it you haven't even gotten a description yet

Marri: a what?

Nicky: don't worry about it anyway what we doin to pass the time?

Deckman: play boring non complete worn out board games?

Jin: yes

(At terry's house)

Medwell: are you prepared for tomorrow sir?

Terry: i have been for a while

Medwell: are you sure you need to this just for some more attention towards you sir?

Terry: he is stealing my spotlight

Medwell: well the terrorist attack you stopped was fake and planned why don't we do it again

Terry: to avoid suspicions damn it

Medwell: very well i will take my leave see you tomorrow sir

Terry: yeah yeah go now (medwell leaves the building) i'll fucking make sure he's forgotten

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