He could do whatever the fuck he wanted to do, he didn't need Matteo telling him shit
He shrugged Matteo's hand off his chest "get the fuck out of my way Matteo, didn't you hear what she just said"? He almost growled out, and Matteo sighed out, being the level headed one between the both of then, he had to put a stop to this.

"I heard her Spade and I get it if you want to bring in Greg, but you can't go like this, you're angry and pissed off, you'll kill him if you find him, and if you kill him we won't be able to find Nate" he said calmly, almost making Spade's to scoff.

He hated how Matteo was so calm about all of this, while he was boiling inside, he was a wreck and complete mess.
The only thing he recognized now was the rage inside of him, and he wanted to satiate it so bad

"He's right" Su's small voice sounded behind him, making him grit his teeth, he closed his eyes and sighed out deeply, calming his racing heart and trying his best to cage the beast already wanting to come out inside of him.

"Gio, look at me" Matteo muttered, and he opened his eyes and met with blue, soothing and almost ocean like eyes, instantly making him relax a bit "I'm going to take Bernie and we'll find Greg and bring him here, you're gonna wait for us with her" Matteo explained, he sighed out before he nodded in defeat.

This was why Matteo was his underboss, the blonde always had so much control over things, especially when it came to things of emotions like this.
The blonde nodded before his eyes landed on Su behind Spade

"Don't let him out of your sight" he muttered and she nodded before he left, walking out the door and leaving Spade there with Nate's sister.

He turned around and walked towards the couch, he could see the way she was staring at him, or more like watching him, as if he would snap and do something but he didn't even know if that would happen.

Yes he felt the urge to go out the door and get Greg himself but what then?
What would he do then?
What if Greg refused to tell them where Nate was? How was he even sure Greg knew where Nate was?

He was slowly losing his mind, he didn't even know he was bouncing his legs up and down, not until Nate's sister pointed it out to him.
"Wow, and I thought Nate was fidgety when he was nervous, you're much worse" she muttered making him look at her, as she gestured to his leg that was bouncing up and down, which he stopped quickly
"We're gonna find him" she whispered and he almost scoffed.

What if they didn't?
He couldn't even begin to imagine what this man Su had been talking about would do to Nate, what if they were too late?

He cussed out lowly and ran his hands through his hair, it had grown over the past two week and so did his beards.

He should have listened to Nate, when he asked Spade to give him a chance to explain, he should have fucking listened to him.
He had once again fucked his own life with his hands, why was he so angry that he said all those things?

He had handled Garcia quite well and no damaged was done, Nate deserved a chance to explain himself and Spade didn't give him that, he was blinded by rage.

He even threatened to kill Nate, oh God.
He let out a shaky breath as his chest tightened with a familiar ache, he relaxed on the couch, but everything was still just as hot, and his mind was in so many different places all at once

"Why didn't he ever tell me"? Spade whispered out, and Su just turned to look at him
"Why didn't he ever tell me your father was abusing him? Why didn't he ever tell me about what this man did to him"? He turned and looked at her, seeing the soft and tender look in her eyes, almost as if she was pitying him "we were together for over a month and he never told me" he whispered out

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