I watched him, already trying to think of where the story was going, it wasn't sounding very good and I didn't like it one bit.
"Years later after my sister had Spade, Greg started asking me to put in a good word for him, he wanted to have an affair with my sister who was happily married with a kid, but I couldn't do it, I wasn't that selfish, I loved my sister so much" he said, his eyes having a very distant look, as though he could actually see that time happening right before his eyes
"Months passed and he stopped bugging me, untill one day he came up to me and told me that my sister had finally agreed and they were having an affair behind each of their partner's back"

I swallowed as I watched him, I didn't know where this story was going, but the look in his eyes was getting angrier by the second and it was actually scaring me to my core, because for someone like him to have that look, nothing was going to end well.

"He thought I wouldn't ask my sister, but I knew how much she loved Micheal and she would never cheat on him with anyone, least of all Greg, so I confronted her about it, already having my suspicions that Greg was lying and she confirmed it to me, your bastard father was indeed lying and they weren't having an affair, he had raped her in her husband's house and got her pregnant with his damn kid, and he lied to me about it" he snapped as his eyes rested on me, having a very crazed look on as he stared at me.

His one good eye had a mischievous and evil glint to it, while the damaged eye was kind of scary as he stared at me
"I swore that I was gonna make him pay, but first I'd do the same thing he did to my sister to his kids, I'd ruin their lived too" he said smirking and I felt my hear jump to my throat as I swallowed hard, hoping it wasn't what I was thinking, because if he touched her, I would kill him, I don't care how it'll happen but I will kill him.

"I wanted to start with your sister first, the things I had planned to do to her" he said almost dreamily, making me feel disgusted
"But fortunately for her, she was always with your mother or her group of friends in school, so I didn't really have a chance with her, but you on the other hand, you were always so easy to get" he said shutting his eyes and smiling.

I could feel my stomach churn as he spoke, how disgusting can he get "Everytime I fucked that little hole of yours and saw that fear in your eyes, that pain and anguish I caused you, it made me feel fucking proud of myself because I was getting justice for my sister, making you feel exactly what your perv of a father made her feel" he said looking at me, I could feel the tears brim my eyes and the lump in my throat getting huge and thick, hearing him talk about what he did to me with so much pride and gratification, as though it was something to be proud of, it made me want to throw up

He sighed and leaned forward again on his chair "then I tried it on your blonde brother" he said making my eyes to grow wide as I felt the first tear drop, no, it can't be.
He didn't
"I know he's my sister's son but he's the reason why she died in the first place, the reason why Micheal started hating my sister until he finally killed her"

I shook my head, no it wasn't, Matteo wasn't to blame for anything, he was just as much a victims as his mother was
"No, it wasn't... It wasn't his fault" I whispered out in a stutter and he just frowned and furrowed his brows at me

"I wish that were true but it was his fucking fault, so I tried to do to him what I did to you, but turned out he was much tougher and Micheal wasn't as stupid and gullible as your perverted father" he snapped making me flinch, but I was a bit relieved that he didn't touch any of them, it would have killed me knowing they had suffered in his hands like I did.

He smacked his lips together and leaned away, his eyes going through my whole body as he checked me out, which didn't sound half as good as I was making it.

It made me feel disgusted, especially when his eyes stopped at my crotch area that was wide spread open, curse whoever tied me up like this
He licked his lips as his eyes fell back on me

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