The match was so close, making it even more entertaining that it flew by. I watched the team go into the locker room and come back out to be with the fans for a bit. Since it was a "send-off" match, I figured that they would be with them for a bit longer today, so I just stayed sat in my seat.
When I noticed the boys starting to walk to the "family" side, I started making my way down. "Excuse me, Charlie right?!?" I hear from the left of me. I turn to look, making eye contact with who I think is Sai's girlfriend "yea and um...jess-Sai's girlfriend!!" I say and she smiles a bit "yea...he raves about you two, and I know him and Nick are good mates, so I've just been waiting to meet you!!" "No same, I found it kind of rude of sai that it's taken this long!!" I say, making us both giggle a bit "will you be in Paris?!?" "Yup, once I get this baby out. Soon hopefully!!" "Right!! I'll be there for one of the later matches, maybe we could meet up sometime y'know if you're up to it!!" "Yea of course!!!" I say, before suggesting that we exchange numbers. As I'm typing my number into her phone, Sai comes up to us, wrapping his arm around Jess, but I also feel Nick behind me, throwing his arms over my shoulders. "She's nice right, can't believe this snob is with her" Nick points to Sai who throws his hands up " still can't believe it myself" sai says with a kiss to Jess's cheek "ughh" Nick groans, pretending it was gross "oh please, shall we talk about the time coach found you two in the locker-" "Oh god please no!!" I cut sai off before continuing " I'm trying to make a friend and you're both ruining my first impression" I say making everyone laugh around me as I hand Jess her phone back.
Both Nick and Sai needed to go to the locker room for their bags, so the four of us headed there. Jess and I sat outside, talking some more until Sai came out first. I had said goodbye to them and not even a second later, I felt a kind of popping feeling that was followed by liquid running down my leg. "Fuck!!" I say realizing what's going on "sai" I yell out since they hadn't gone far. Both Jess and Sai turn to look at me, bent over in a puddle "can you get Nick...I-I think my water broke" I say, stuck in the same spot. Sai curses under his breath before running to get Nick and Jess comes over to me. "Do you have your keys?!?and what kind of car, I can pull it up to the gate" she says and I hand her the keys, telling certain details about my car.
I sit in the same spot, not in pain, but really just scared to move. I'm not even sure how much time has passed but I can hear Nick now "char...char are you alright?!?" He yells out, sounding far away until he's finally in front of me "are you hurting?!?" Nick asks with his hand on my back "No, it just kind of happened" "ok umm-" Nick looks around, clearly thinking about what to do "Jess went to get my car" I say and perfectly on cue, she pulls up, quickly getting out the car, running towards us. "Put your arms around my neck" Nick says and I do so before he picks me up. He places me in the passenger seat and buckles me up before running around to his side "thank you both!!!" Nick yells out to sai and Jess before pulling off.

Nick puts his hand on my thigh "not feeling anything right?!?" He asks "not really, just a bit wet!!" I say as Nick grabs his phone. "I'm gonna call Dr. Montgomery and see what she thinks ok?!?" I nod as he moves his hand to interlock with mine.
Once someone picks up the call and transfers us to Dr.M, Nick explains the situation before we get her suggestion. "So, if he's not in any pain right now, I'd say he's ok to just come here rather than the hospital, but whatever you're both comfortable with. I'd just prefer if you'd see someone!!" She says. Nick looks over to me and I nod as confirmation that I'm ok with that. He lets her know that we're on our way before hanging up!!
"I think we might have went a bit hard on the inducing" I say just to lighten the mood because I can see it all over his face that nicks freaking out more than I am. "Do you think we should go to the hospital instead?!?" "No, I just meant like we were joking around about sex inducing labor and then my water breaks the same day!!" "So you mean she'll come today" Nick asks frantically "what- I mean, I don't know" I chuckle nervously before continuing "baby, they'll let us know everything that we need to ok. we don't have to freak out about it now. And even if she does come today, we're as prepared as we can possibly be!!" I say as I rub my thumb over his knuckle, making Nick visibly calm down a bit.

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