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^^^picture of fall trees bc October 3rd can't come fast enough😛


     It's semifinals match day and I feel as if I'm actually playing. The first thing I did today was text Nick the usual pep talk kind of message. I fed Rome and had my own breakfast before I got a text back which eventually switched to a call.

      "I don't know, I just feel especially nervous for this match" "and that's's normal to be nervous, we just can't let you get too in your head about it." I say, trying my best to comfort him as I walk down the corridor with Ro, wanting a more private place to talk. He doesn't say anything before I hear him take a deep breath "...can you come see me?!? Please" "I'm supposed to meet issac and Jack (his partner)at the airport in like two hours" I say, feeling a bit bad so I quickly make a suggestion "I can try and come to the stadium earlier, I just know that we usually see each other for like a second" "ok" he says kind of dryly "don't be upset with me...I'm really gonna try" "I'm not upset with you baby, I'm just...I don't know" "okay, just try and hang out with your mates, distract yourself" I say and he mumbles something, probably just agreeing "no stressing....I love you" "I love you". He says it back before I hang up, finding my way back to my room.
      I walk in finding both tori and Ollie awake this time "mornin' two alright?!" Tori asks referring to Rome and I  "yea, just didn't wanna wake you up...I had to talk to Nick" "is he okay?!?" "Nervous...just in his own head I think" I say, noticing Ollie now being more attentive "what do you think Ol...should we be nervous?!?" I ask. He takes a deep sigh before answering "I mean...we're 50/50! Could be a win for Ireland or it could be a win for us!!" "That didn't help at all, but thanks Ollie!" I say with a smile as I go to pat his shoulder.

        A bit later, tori and Ollie head down to get breakfast while I get myself and Rome ready to head to the airport.
      I text tori, letting her know that I'm leaving now as I head out to our car. A few days back, we caved and bought a rental, just over the whole process of getting Ubers. I kind of wish we got one sooner, but it came in handy today since I've got to drive an hour to the airport.
       I start the drive off pretty nervous knowing that I don't have a mirror so I can't check on Ro whenever I want, but any chance I get I look back at her or stick my hand by her mouth to feel the tiny little breaths.
      That tactic keeps me sane and helps me get by for the entire ride until we arrive and I'm able to hold her myself.
      I make sure that I'm at the right terminal according to Isaac's text before I get out to walk with Ro, getting some fresh air.
      We walk around for about thirty minutes until I see both Issac and jack walk out. I wave my free hand so that they see me before huge smiles appear in all of our faces. "Oh my gosh hi!!" I say, opening my arm to hug my best friend before moving on to his partner "is this little Rome?!" Issac asks, poking at her arm. "Yeaa" I say adjusting her so that they can see her face.
      They admire her for a quick second before I show them to my car, putting their bags in the boot. Issac sits in the front with me and Jack sits in the back with Ro.
      "How have you been, feels like I haven't seen either of you in ages!??" I ask as I start driving the hour back "We've both been really good...happy!" "That's so good!! Are you both still traveling??" "Yeah, we were just in Portugal, but France will be our last stop for now...we'll actually be settling in England soon" "what?! No way!!! You guys have a house and everything?!" "Just a flat actually for now! We'll still travel, just not as much you know, wanting bro save for our wedding!" Issac tries to slyly sneak in there but I pick up on it " Oh. My. God....are you serious?!" My jaw drops as I glance to the ring that's on his finger. It's very simple, very Issac! "Yea, that one back there surprised me with it two days ago!" He smiles and I take a quick glance back at Jack who was already smiling in my direction "Congrats, that's so exciting!!" "Thanks!! You're the first of our friends to know" "Elle and Tao are gonna freak...all of you engaged at the same time!" "Are they coming down actually?!" He asks "they're coming next week...just in time for nicks last match!" "Ok...correct me if I'm wrong, but if Nick wins today, he goes on to finals for first or second, but if he loses he goes on to play for third or fourth!!?!" "Omg! Have you been studying??" I ask in shock because my friend group was never in to rugby until Nick came along and only a few of them know a few rules. "No!! I'm not completely oblivious" Issac bites back but Jack completely disagrees "um no...he was absolutely looking up the rules the entire plane ride!!" He says and we burst out into laughs.

Through the Years with Nick and CharlieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora