47. The Replacement

Start from the beginning

"Where are we? This place looks so old-fashioned"


"What? Is this a prank?"

"Trust me with this one, Yi-joo. Why would I lie to you? Look at the calendar if you want"

I glanced at the calendar laying on the side table. And I trusted Eungyeol more than I trusted myself, so I decided to believe in his words.

"Now tell me the last thing you remember"

"Mom told me about dad. Do you know who is he? You'll be shocked if I told you! It's-"

"Oh Majoo. I know"

"You know?" I looked at him, totally stunned because I never told him about it.

"Hm- in fact, the guy who was standing behind me anxiously was him. The eighteen years old Majoo"

"Daebak!" I covered my mouth, shocked.

"Let me summarize everything for you"


"You are free to go, but make sure that you don't give a lot of stress to your mind"

"What about her memories, Doctor?"

"Mild head injuries typically don't cause lasting amnesia, but more-severe head injuries may cause permanent amnesia. Luckily, you didn't get hurt severely, so unless and until you take care of yourself, you'll remember everything in a day or two"

"Thank you so much, doctor", Eungyeol bowed as the doctor left the room, leaving me alone with Eungyeol.

"Told you I was fine. Can you chill now?"

Eungyeol sighed in relief and took a seat. He told me about everything happened until now. It all sounded like a fantasy drama storyline, but Eungyeol had no reason to lie.

The guys from earlier entered the room one by one quietly as I connected them to the story Eungyeol told me.

Yi-chan was Ha Ahjussi, but he could speak and the one behind him was Majoo who happened to be My dad and also Yi-chan's best friend. And then the members of Watermelon Sugar, Si-guk and Saebum and a person with long hairs also entered the room, closing the door. Eungyeol whispered into my ears, informing me about his identity.

But I was unconsciously glancing at the door occasionally as Eungyeol was explaining about my condition to the guys.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Good, thank you", I smiled at Majoo or my dad, as I noticed his bloodshot eyes.

Did he cry for me?

"But where is Hyunyul?"

My alleged boyfriend was not in the room.

"He said he had something to take care of," Si-guk informed everyone.

"When Yi-joo's this hurt?" Yi-chan questioned back as Si-guk shrugged his shoulders.

Disappointment pricked my heart. I was really curious about that good-looking boyfriend of mine. He looked so worried when I woke up, but now he was nowhere to be found, making me unable to contain my curiosity about him.

But I shook all my curiosity and got back to the most important thing, "I am going to perform tomorrow-"

"I decline", Majoo cut off my words sharply.


"No buts, you are not performing", Yi-chan also joined.

"Remember what the doctor said? You need rest," Eungyeol added.

I let out a sigh. I felt bad that all their hard work had to go in vain just because of my accident.

"How about we find someone to replace me?" I suggested.

"Replace you? That's not going to happen. Finding someone who has a good voice and plays guitar is almost impossible", Saebum reasoned.

"We don't even have time for that," Si-guk added.

"And even if we do, it's nearly impossible to set everything. It's almost 6 now. We have to perform tomorrow", Eungyeol also joined.

"Then that means we need to find someone who got the skills and knows about what we were doing", I pounded all my thoughts into in.

"I don't think-"

"I know someone who fits that description", Majoo cuts off Yi-chan's words.


Before Majoo could say anything, the door busted open as I saw my seventeen years old Mother running towards my direction, "Eonni-ya!!!"

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