Happy endings are overrated

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Nikki's POV

I can't believe this shit.

I just delivered a fucking baby. Me. Nikki fucking Sixx. I pulled a new life out of a woman's body. How the fuck did I even do that?
Don't get me wrong, I love pussy. I want a whole tribe of kids. I really do.
And if I die, I hope it'll be buried between a woman's legs and tapping out with a heart attack.

But this? This whole birth process, I don't want to see any of that again. Like, ever!
I fucking tell you: the pictures of that blue head pushing its way out of a hole that's meant to accommodate a dick That shit will haunt me forever. It's so fucking messy and wet. There's white shit, clear shit, bloody shit, and a fucking gross ass afterbirth in my floorboard that looks like the guts of wild game that was just gutted.

My hands are still covered in blood From MJ's privates and I'm fucking shaking like I'm on full withdrawal. I'm operating on strictly autopilot because I'm freaked the fuck out. I've got to get this baby to a hospital. I'm no midwife or doctor. There could be something seriously wrong with this baby. I gotta get to the fucking hospital.

When we're finally able to get through the fucking LA traffic I glance at MJ beside me.
She looks tired as fuck. She's covered in a layer of sweat. But there's a smile on her face that makes her more beautiful than ever. She glows when she looks at her and Izzy's baby.

The little girl is sleeping in her arms and I can't help thinking what a lucky motherfucker Izzy is.
He's got himself a nice little family.

This is what I want. Amy as my fucking wife and a shitload of little kids running around the house all day. And preferably one little girl like Izzy's here. I am a ladies man after all. I know we would steal one another's hearts.

She's so fucking sweet, I was barely able to give her to MJ. I wish I had a beautiful little girl like that.
Wait. Well, technically she's mine, right? I do think I recall a first born daughter as payment for saving Izzy's life twice.

"You should name her Nikki, you know?" I chuckle. "I mean, technically she belongs to me anyway, so she should have my name at least."

MJ smiles at me, "Delivering the little girl makes doesn't make you a father, Nikki. But at least a godfather I guess."

Me? A godfather?

Is she fucking serious? Who would ever want to put a child into my care? Fuck I can't even successfully get Amy to marry me.

This is fucking nuts but for some reason I can't stop smiling at the thought of that. Being married with kids and having Izzy's little angel as my Goddaughter.

We manage to get to the hospital without any further delays. Not that we needed those fuckers anyway. I fucking delivered that baby like a pro.
No need for medical assistance here. Nikki Sixx already saved the fucking day. I'm the hero with the cape and white stallion with my sword drawn. I am God.

I call Izzy to enlighten him that he's a fucking dad now. Luckily I get hold of the guys at Geffen. They are still in for that meeting. Sucks for the guy that he missed this shit. And even worse he has to get the news third hand.

So I leave a message for Izzy and stay with MJ. After less than half an hour later, the door to MJ's room flies open and Izzy and the whole fucking band march in. Well, except Slash. I guess they didn't find that fucker though. He's sort of been doing his own thing lately.

"What the hell happened?" Izzy calls out, breathing hard. He probably ran up here to the 5th floor being to impatient to wait for the elevator.

Izzy scans the room. His first gaze goes to MJ, who's lying in bed. When he notices the baby in her arms, his gaze finds me with a frown.

"Congratulations, fucker. It's a girl!" I say with a smirk.

"Hell, Izz. You're a fucking dad now." Axl says and pats Izzy's back while the other fuckers mumble some good wishes, too.

I can see his eyes water as he keeps watching MJ and the baby, not leaving his sight as he sits down next to her.

"God, she's beautiful, honey." He says and kisses the girl's head.

"What are we going to call her?"

I can't help a chuckle.

"Her name's Nikki of course."

Izzy gives me a death stare.

"Yeah... over my dead body!"

"I was thinking about Jenna." MJ says with a smile. "Maybe Jenna Nicole? Just to comfort Nikki? I mean he'll be the godfather."

"...the what?" Izzy cries out, watching me carefully. "What the hell happened?"

I get up and sit down on the other side of the bed, caressing little Jenna possessively.

"Get over it, Stradlin. I delivered the girl. I'm gonna be the fucking godfather. Period."

Izzy keeps shaking his head while Axl and Duff laugh like fucking maniacs.

"No way..."

"You remember you owe me your firstborn anyway, right?"

Izzy lets out a laugh as tears stream down his eyes. "We're just gonna have to learn to share. Didn't you tell me I needed to learn to share?"

I look up and see Amy. She's watching me with a trace of a smile on her lips. I give her big smile and my heart fills with love for her all over again.

"Can I hold her?" Izzy asks gently reaching for his newborn daughter. He holds her over his heart and looks down at her face. "She looks a lot like me, and i see MJ in her too. She's so beautiful. I can't believe I made this. This is a life. And she's mine." He dries his tears, "I really gotta thank Ykinamundo.

"Anybody seen Slash?" Duff asks. But no one has.

"He said he was going down to the Cathouse or maybe the Seventh Veil," Steven answers.

We all adore the baby for a while and get lost in jokes about her being mine now as payment. It was a cheerful happy room. And it was filled with love. Thank you Yakinamundo.

Then One of our handlers bursts into the room and tells us that Slash is in bad shape down on sunset at some bar. Says he's shooting smack, coke, and drinking. Cops are on the way to arrest him.

Izzy and I look at one another knowing what has to be done. We have to save Slash. Karma and all. Izzy turns to Axl with his daughter in his arms. "Will you look after her and MJ?" He asks as he gently places the baby in Axl's Arms. Axl lights up. He has always loved kids. But this wasn't some random kid, this was Izzy's kid. His best friend since childhood.

Izzy and I catch a cab and head off to rescue Slash from himself.

Here I go playing hero again.

The End

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now