Nikki Sixx, the savior of fu**ing kittens

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Nikki's POV

Izzy's mom was a little disappointed that we had to skip town so fast but Guns n Roses had a fucking tour to finish.

And I was sure all hell would break loose if the management found out about the distraction I created for that delay. But I didn't fucking care. I got my girl back and was the happiest motherfucker on earth.

So, we all landed early in LA and I just took care of Amy's baggage when I finally remember my job.
Tour manager. Yeah, still have no fucking clue how in hell that happened.

"I think we should call the management and tell them we're back. There are still some dates on our plate." I tell Axl.

He nods, "Yeah, I'm gonna call Allan and ask what's up now. I've no fucking clue where Duff, Slash and Steven ended up, but I'm sure he can tell us."

Axl strolls over to a payphone and inserts a few quarters.

"Hey man, it's me." He starts and keeps quiet for a moment. I guess he's listening to a shitload of allegations. I can't help a chuckle.

"Ugh... I'm not feeling well." MJ starts moaning.

Izzy wraps an arm around his wife and caresses her big belly.

"Maybe something you ate, honey?"

I can't help a snort.

"What exactly do you think it was, Izzy? Yours, mine or Axl"s additional meal? Or the two burritos she ate before she went on the plane?" I say with a grin.

"Ugh... You're an ass, Nikki." MJ moans again, rubbing her belly. I give her a wide grin.

"Yeah, you know I love you, sweetheart." I say and earn a death stare from Izzy.

Turning back to Axl's one-sided telephone conversation, I listen carefully as he speaks up.

"Yeah, so?... Oh you think this is my fucking fault then?... Fuck you Allan... I don't fucking care what you think.... No, I'm in LA.... Where the hell should I be otherwise?"

Axl glares at me but I don't feel guilty.
I pull Amy close to me and bury my face in her neck. God, she smells so fucking good.

ý"No... Oh, fucking Jesus.... Now?... Really?... You called Slash, Duff and Steven?... No, I have no idea... Yeah... we'll be there." Axl hangs up and I get a bad feeling.

"Now? They pissed?" I ask.

Of course they are.

"We're supposed to get there for a meeting, like now." Axl says. "I suggest we all head to the office first."

Amy frowns but agrees with Axl. "Somebody has to account for these last few days,might as well be me...I'm not the one with the contract after all."

"Ugh... I just wanna get home, Izz." MJ moans again. "I really need to lay down a bit."

"I'm not gonna send my pregnant wife home alone, Ax. I'm heading home and come back to the meeting as soon as possible." Izzy says.

Axl shakes his head, "You don't understand Izzy. There's shit going down. We really need to be there. All of us. It's already bad enough that nobody seems to know where the hell Slash is."

"But..." Izzy tries again.

"I'm gonna take MJ home and get back to you." I cut Izzy off. "I'm just the fucking tour manager."

Izzy shakes his head, "No, my wife is more important than some stupid fucking meeting."

I huff, "Then you agree, a cardboard box is no place for you two and a baby. Go to the meeting Izz. I think I can manage taking your wife home."

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now