A rockstar in Chinatown

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Chinatown February 1988

Nikki's POV

I walk through the door and see Yakinamundo sitting cross legged on a rug of some sort with candles burning everywhere. Some strange incense fills the air. I can see his long white braid hanging down his back. Yakinamundo never even turns to look at me. He must be meditating or some shit. But he knows I'm here. I know he knows I'm here.

"Welcome Nikki-San," He says in that strong Japanese dialect. "You late." He says with eyes that remain closed.

"You were expecting me?" I question as I sit down in a chair across from him. I don't know why I question him at this point.

He opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile. "Expect you Christmas. You late." His smile has always had this calming effect on me. He probably does it on purpose.

"Why?" I ask wondering why he was even expecting me. Was it because he knew I flat lined a few days before Christmas? Or was I supposed to bring the fucker a Christmas present?

"Nikki-San should have had questions." He informs me with that hinting sound in his voice. Come to think of it it was actually more like a knowing.

"Questions? I ask playing stupid. I know it's probably no fucking use. He can read my whole fucking life, surely he knows when I lie. Yeah, I had questions. How'd he know I was going to die? Did he know I wouldn't stay dead? Or was he referring to a more permanent death. He say I'd die by the time I was 30. I'm not 30 yet but by the end of this year I will be. Is my real death coming?

"Yes. Questions about death. About Prediction. Nikki-San died, yes?" He asks me.

I look down and nod, "For four minutes." Four minutes in which I hovered over my body watching it. I'll never be able to put into words what it's like to watch paramedics pull a sheet up over your dead body. How could I see that shit? Did I just dream it? Or did I really leave my body?

"I warn Nikki-San. I warn your Karma. Nikki-San always so unwilling. Karma no lie." He then struggles to get up.

"But how did you know?" I ask in bewilderment.

He looks to me, "Yakinamundo always know. Know when I find you and touch you."

"So you knew I'd be a rock star? You knew I'd become a heroin addict? And you knew I'd overdose and die?" I ask just for some form of a solid confirmation.

"Yes." He nods so matter of factly.

"Well did you know I'd live through it?" I feel the need to inquire.

"No. Vision stop with your death. Yakinamundo see nothing after that." He turns to jars of shit and starts mixing them in a bowl with his back to me. "Nikki-San was warned."

I huff, "Yeah, I never listen to warnings I guess. But...but you told me that if I did good my Karma would get better. You told me I had to save another person who needed my help in order to help myself. Well I did that...and I still died."

He turns to me and smiles, "Ahhh, but Niki-San earn second chance, yes?"

"Did I?" I question. "I stabbed a needle in a guys heart, big deal." I shrug.

"Much much more Nikki-San." He slightly shakes his head as he grounds the contents in the bowl into a powder. "Tell me Nikki-San, world not so loving up high above them? "

"You mean the fame not being all I thought it would? Not filling some...some hole in me?" I try to decipher his meaning.
You may be wondering why I'm talking so openly to this old Asian Soothsayer. I'm never this open with any fucking body. Not even TBone who knows me best of all. Well, Tommy has never predicted a future that came true for me.

So far Yakinamundo had predicted my fame, what it would be like, how it wouldn't make me happy, he told me I'd die by the age of 30, and that I had to save someone to be saved. I did save Stradlin. I still died, but I made it. So yeah, what this old man say and thinks matters to me.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now