To the rescue

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Nikki's POV

I get my shit together and pull myself out of the limo. Wiping my sweaty hands on my shirt, I take a good look down at myself.
I look okay, right?
Of course I look okay.
I always look pretty fucking fabulous.
I am Nikki fucking Sixx for fucks sake...

My gaze finds one of the darkened windows of the limo and I nearly panic. There's smeared make up all over my face, I look like I haven't slept in days... which I haven't , and I'm pretty sure I smell like a god damn whiskey truck.

This is shit is like a suicide mission. This is never going to work. People like them think I'm the fucking devil.

I can't bite back a grin. They have no fucking idea. I stick my head back inside the limo to see Stradlin cozily stretched out in his seat. Why isn't that fucker moving?

"You coming or what?"

He folds his arms in front of his chest, shaking his head furiously. I could tell he was terrified by the way he was paralyzed to the seat too adamant to move. I understood he knew this man, but fuck. I helped him out with his girl. He fucking owes my ass.

"No way I'm gonna get in there, man. You think you're scary? You've never met that fucking preacher, dude."

Is he fucking serious?

"You're a pussy now?" I ask with a snarl.

He glares at me.

"Hell, Sixx. Even Axl is afraid of that fucker. You've no idea who you're messing with. Trust me. You need a fucking plan for this."

I can't believe Stradlin is going to chicken out of this. It's a fucking preacher we're talking about. How fucking bad can it get? He's going to slap us with his fucking bible?

"I have a plan: get in and get my girl." I say and grab Izzy at his scarf, dragging him out of the limo. "You're gonna be back up. So get out now."

I finally coax/drag him out of the limo. "This is ain't gonna work, man..." Izzy mumbles as he follows me up to the house. We stand there an eternity staring at the house. We know there's no plan and we expect trouble. But then we had had no plan with MJ, but that worked out. I bang on the door with the side of my fist and Izzy drops his head with a sighs and runs his hand over his head. Sheer dread.

I swallow the lump in my throat and clench my fists. I really need to chill out because otherwise I will knock that perv out as soon as he opens the fucking door.
When I knock on the door, Izzy is still standing a few feet behind me.
Damn, I've never seen him like that. Did this guy beat him too?

I'm still looking at Izzy when I hear the door opening and turn around to see an old dude appearing.
He's sizing me up with a displeased look on his face.
Yeah, that's that fucking preacher.

"Can I help you?" he says with a smooth smile.

I can barely hold myself together.

"I'm here to pick up Amy.ý" I tell him directly. No need for small talk. The sooner I get her, the sooner we're out of this fucking town.

A frown appears on that preacher's face, "Who are you?"

"I think you know who the fuck I am," I snarl.

That's it. I'm gonna snap. All I can think of is this dude shoving his old dick inside my girl. Her crying and begging him to stop. She was his fucking daughter. Tears of rage sting my eyes and haze my vision. I'm exactly two seconds away from murdering that fucker.

"Don't ask fucking questions you sick fucking old man. Go and get my girl. Otherwise I'm gonna beat the shit out of you... even god can't fucking help you then..." I take a step forward because I'm about to strangle that son of a bitch.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now