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Quebec, Kanada
18. May 1988

Nikki's POV

I watch Amy sleeping peacefully. The doctors say she's just asleep not in a coma or anything. Still I won't stop worrying until she wakes up. She probably doesn't want my face to be the first one she sees, but it's gonna be. I'm not going anywhere until I see with my own two fucking eyes that she's ok. I shake out my right hand. Feels like I fucking broke something punching that goddamn loser roadie over and over. I wanted to kill him. I probably would have if Izzy hadn't pulled me off him.

I don't think I've ever been so pissed off in my fucking life as I was at that sorry fucker. I guess that's because of the mystery drink. I don't know what the fuck it's doing to me. It's like it's seeping into my brain and re-hard wiring it. And so far I fucking hate every step of the process. How the fuck do people live with feeling all this fucking shit all the time? Now I know why I did so many drugs.

I feel like I'm living in some bad dream. When am I going to wake up though? I just want to go back to the way I was. Screw happiness, screw Karma, and screw a soul mate. This chick fucking hates me, she can't be the one anyway. Oh sure she thinks I'm hot and shit, but she doesn't want me. Why am I even wasting the time on trying to change her mind?

I look at her lying motionless in the bed. God she's so fucking beautiful with that milky skin and red long hair. Her face is so peaceful. She looks like a fucking angel. I sit in a chair next to the bed and run my fingertips down her arm. Her being asleep affords me the opportunity to touch her without her bitching or pulling away. Every time I touch her I feel this electrical current flow through me. Even now. It feels so strange, but for some reason I'm intrigued by it.

I know I'm wasting my fucking time! She thinks I'm a junkie and a man whore. Granted I had been just that until that drink. I wanted to beat the shit out of Yakinamundo. How could he do this to me? It was fucking cruel. I'm not built for this shit. And I don't want to be. It's too late for me. No one can love me, not ever. And why the fuck would anyone ever want to? And why was it so fucking important to Yakinamundo?

Amy's POV

My eyes slightly part as a low key beeping noise wakes me. I feel a faint stream of air blowing into my nose. I raise my hand to my face and feel something tugging at my arm. I try to focus my blurry eyes to see what it is. It's an IV. Shit, am I in a fucking hospital? I pull the tube out of my nose and raise my head. I see someone resting their head on the side of my bed sleeping. I strain my eyes to make out who it is. Black spikes. Fuck it's Nikki.

I touch his arm and his head shoots up. He looks like he hasn't slept in days.
Damn, how long was I out?

"Amy," He smiles and scoots closer to me, taking my hand and placing soft kisses onto my palm.

"What are you doing here? Where's Axl?" My droggy voice asks.

He gives a faint smirk, "The show must go on sweetheart." I can see worry in his eyes.

I can't get a straight thought. They left me here? They fucking left me here and Nikki is the only one who made sure I'm okay?

A flash of disappointment rushes through me but turns into gratitude that Nikki stayed by my side. He cares. Even after I acted like a fucking bitch. He must have seen something in my eyes because he frowns for a second and squeezes my hand.

"Don't worry, honey. Your pain-in-the-ass-brother made it very clear that if I even fucking dare to touch you, he will show me a world of pain." He says with a smirk that tells me he's not afraid of Axl.

"I was so stupid Nikki," I say, trying to blink away the tears in my eyes.

He moves closer, caressing my hair "Shhhh... Don't! We all do stupid things sometimes."

He gives me another smirk. "You know I'm the fucking king of stupid, right?"

"I only did it because I couldn't have you. And when he offered me the junk I accepted. I accepted to be closer to you. Nikki I want you so much. I do. But we could never pull it off. My brother..."

His lips shut me off with a soft and innocent kiss. "I'm not fucking afraid of Axl Rose." He huffs. "Baby, I'm Nikki Sixx, I can pull anything off...especially tonight."

"Tonight?" I ask with a raised brow. What the hell is he talking about?

"Everyone is gone, completely different city, hundreds of miles away. Tonight it's just you and me. This is a rare moment of privacy being given to us," He keeps stroking my hair and my heart beats faster,

"Be with me tonight. This night belongs to us. If you want."

If I want?
To be honest, I never wanted anything more in my whole life.
But things are never that easy and I learned very early in life that it's not always about what I fucking want. Things aren't always black and white.

When I check out of the hospital Nikki takes me to a beautiful hotel where he rented out the suite. It's huge and fancier than any hotel room I could dream of. Nikki walks about the room timidly checking the inventory in the room. I stand with my nerves on edge.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now