Fuck the consequences

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Quebec, Kanada
A fancy Hotel suite
18. May 1988

Amy's POV

Things had been too incredibly to close for call. If my brother finds out about this, he will ship me back to Indiana.

There's no fucking way I'm going back there to play my father's repentant whore. No. I can't screw is up and let him send me away to that. I just have to ignore Nikki. Plain and simple.

But fuck, he makes it hard to ignore him.
Nikki has this devious half smirk that says he doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. And he doesn't. When Nikki sets his eyes on something, That's it. Nikki has no boundaries he wouldn't cross.

Surrender just isn't an option for him. And I know that I'm his reason to never surrender or ever give up. I am what he had set his relentless sights on.

Good or bad. Nikki Sixx wants me.
And he's changed. He doesn't stay loaded and fuck all the time. Nor does he take up on all the free sex thrown his way. Nikki is nothing like I remember. Surely it isn't me who has brought on this sudden change. I'm a nobody. Maybe he just enjoys a good challenge. And well fucking Axl Rose's sister probably qualifies.

"How can you stay around in those clothes knowing it drives me fucking crazy?" He asks stepping far too close for comfort behind me, watching me in the mirror while I try to fix my hair. I feel his body pressed to mine.

I can't help but allow his eyes from surveying me from behind. God that smirk on his face is so confident and entitled. I 'm a prisoner of his charms. And when his hands rest at my hips, an electrical impulse tells me I want him. But then Nikki never knows when to stop. Soon his burning soft lips trail up my neck and to my ear.

"I never wanted anything as much as you, sweetheart." His voice is like velvet and silk with lacy frills. God I could die hearing that voice.

"We're supposed to be avoiding one another, remember?" I ask applying on some hairspray.

"Honey I can't avoid you. You're the only fucking thing I can give a whole thought to without interruption. I'm hooked on you, ginger." He says giving a sincere yet sincere look.

"Sorry to hear that," I say putting my earrings in. My hands are shaking so bad I keep dropping them.

"Here, let me," Nikki says taking them from me. He gently places them in as he keeps glancing at my reflection. "You know," he begins,

" We look good together."

"Nikki just put my earrings in," I sigh not sure how much I can take in this close proximity.

His hands trail back down my bare arms leaving me with a shiver of goosebumps.
"I'd never kiss and tell," he says as his eyes follow his hands. "Tell me you don't really want me. I bet you touch yourself every night and think of me...I'm right here honey."

I turn to face him and I never even will them to do so. Nikki's own magnetism had done it. Our eyes lock as we long for one another's lips.

"You have any clue how I want you right now?" He asks solemnly.

"Yes," I faintly whisper. I wanted him just as much, perhaps more. His hand runs through my hair, "Then stop resisting. Fuck the consequences. I need you Amy." His lips are so close to mine I can feel the heat. I can almost taste the whiskey on his lips. And I want to taste it so fucking bad.

God I want him. I want him to fuck the life out of me. I want him to devour me. But always in the back of my mind are two things. My brother killing me because I would be putting his band in jeopardy. And secondly, Nikki has never been serious about a thing in his life except Mötley Crüe. I would have but a one night stand with Nikki. I don't wish to be turned into his groupie tonight.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now