Jailhouse rock

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Nikki's POV

Ok so being put in a jail cell is not quite how I pictured today working out. I just wanted to get my girl. Though I admit, I had every intention of fucking up her Dad. Yeah, that was the only calculated part of any plan I had had for any of this. I kept it to myself because Izzy would have never come along otherwise.
So hello Lafayette jail.

Fuck they even got Amy. She got into it with their mom when she started trying to call the cops. They arrested all fucking four of us.
That motherfucker...strike that...that daughterfucker had the nerve to fucking press assault charges on me and Axl. Namely me. He got Izzy for trespassing because he had told him to get off his property when he was a kid. Gave Axl trespassing too. And I thought my fucking mom was a whack job party whore...At least she couldn't hit for shit and never fondled my fucking balls or anything.

So they toss me and Stradlin in a cell together painted pussy pink. Odd choice of color, but whatever, I don't mind the pussy motif. I'm not going to be here that long. Maybe Tommy is sober enough to manage bailing us out. Highly unlikely, but just maybe.

"I can't fucking believe I'm in here." Izzy mumbles as he walks back and forth through the jail cell.

I just shrug and flip a cigarette to my mouth, leaning back on the cot. This is bullshit and the cops know it. They have nothing on us besides disturbance of peace, assault, trespassing or some other shit.
They're just gonna let us fry here as long as possible.

"Eighteen years, Sixx." Izzy goes on shaking his head. "I've lived in this fucking town for eighteen years and I've never been arrested once." He looks at me like I'm the one to blame here.

Yeah, I kinda am but that's not the fucking point. I see this as more of an adventure. The bondings of brotherhood. And hey, I got my girl out of that house, right? All in all, I say this was a successful endeavor.

I smirk at him, "Come on Stradlin. Me. You. A jail cell. Sounds like we're finally bonding, bro."

He glares at me. "Save it Sixx. You don't have family living here. This is fucking embarrassing."

I give him a snort. Since when is that fucker acting like he never got arrested? He used to be a fucking dealer, for fucks sake. And since when does he give a flying fuck how this reflects on his family? He'd never mentioned his family.

"Man... MJ is gonna kill me." Izzy goes on mumbling. I guess he's more talking to himself than he is talking to me. "I promised her to cut the shit and grow up. Stay out of trouble... and here I go again."

He throws his hands in the air as he paces. I sit up and can't help rolling my eyes at so much drama.

"Calm the fuck down, Stradlin. We'll just call somebody to come down and bail us out. We didn't do anything major, we'll pay some cash and be out in no time." I say and walk toward the bars, trying to get a look what is going on outside.

I hear Izzy huff, "Yeah when they decide to let us make that fucking call...You think they're going to let us do that any time soon thanks to how you acted when they arrested you. They'll probably slap you with resisting arrest." He drags from his cigarette. "And just who the fuck do we call when we get to make one huh? We're in fucking Lafayette and we're all in jail!"

"Well you have family here, right?" I shrug.

Izzy glares at me through a plume of smoke. "I so fucking don't think so Sixx. I can't call my fucking mom after...I don't even know how long it's been, and be like 'Hey mom, how's it going...no no...I'm doing really good, got a baby on the way...making lots of cash...oh by the way can you come down to the station and bail me and three friends out'?!" 

Izzy is still walking and chain smoking, behaving like a total nutcase and I'm not paying him much attention. I'm Nikki Sixx. At the very least Electra would get wind of this and do something eventually.

"Where the fuck did they take, Axl? I guess this is not good, huh?" I mumble.

"I told you he has warrants here. They're probably finding out W. Axl Rose's prints are the same as William Bailey's."Izzy smirks.

I stroll back over to the cot and lay down with my hands behind my head. Izzy looks at me strangely. "What?" I ask.

"Jail cells make you that comfortable? Really? Is it like being back home or some shit? How are you so fucking calm?"

I smirk, "Hell I don't know, blame Yakinamundo."

"I'm gonna have to try that fucking drink," he drags from his cigarette.

"Apparently Yakinamundo didn't feel you needed to be brought down off your pedistool like me. I was apparently living above the world and not in it."

"And what do you think of it? Like mingling with the other half in fucking jail?" He sarcastically snaps.

I ignore his sarcasm. "I'm scared as hell," I say softly.

He stops his pacing and gives me a curious look. "You?"

"Izzy...I learned early on that I was on a solo mission in life. I knew I'd never be able to depend on anyone but myself. I guess it just made me hate people in general. I got so arrogant. And when I got fame...people were nothing but rocks in my shoes man. The first shred of any human feelings I had in years came from MJ."

"Come again?" Izzy cocks his eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes, "Nothing like that...It's just...those couple of days I holed up with her in my room...Come on I could have tried to fuck her at any given moment...She just made me feel bad for even thinking it. When she looks at me she's looking at someone besides Nikki Sixx, rock star asshole. No one's done that before, you know. And she always makes me sound like a decent guy and not the monster I know I've been."

Izzy's starting to look a little pissed. "Sixx, you in love with m y girl?"

"No dumbass," I frown, "But I do have love for her. MJ showed me that somewhere in me there's a decent person. I'd forgotten that before she came along. She scared me with that shit actually. I kinda liked being the bad guy. I liked everyone being afraid of me and hating me because I hated all of them too. But she got me questioning shit and doubting everything...So I do what we junkies do, I numbed the shit.

One night it was maybe a bit too much. After the overdose I went to Yakinamundo because of his whole die before I'm 30 thing...drank that fucking drink..." I sigh deeply. "The moment I touched Amy I knew Izz. I knew I had to have her. She doesn't exactly look at me through angelic eyes like MJ...but there's this fire in them when she does. I can see how much she wants me too. I've never been in love before Izzy and it scares the shit out of me. I mean...what the fuck do I do with her now that I have her?"

Izzy faintly smiles, "You take care of her. Make her dreams come true. Show her how much she means to you. Be her Knight in Shining Armor."

I smirk, "I don't do shining, think she'll accept flat black cast iron?"
We both chuckle a moment.

"Sixx," Izzy finally says in a somber tone, "Getting her to fall in love with you was the hardest part I'm sure...everything else will just fall into place on its own."

I just smile, lay my head back and close my eyes.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora