So busted

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Amy#s POV

Nikki and I are full of sexual tension. I can't look at him without feeling it sizzling between us. I'm doing everything I can to avoid it, to stay away from him, but each day it gets harder and harder. And believe me Nikki doesn't make it easy.

I don't want to involve myself with a man I know I could so easily fall in love with. If I do, I'm fucked. Because I know this is going to kill me.

Even if there's the slightest chance that my brother wouldn't kill him first, if he found out about it -and believe me he will -, Nikki Sixx is not a man a girl should give her heart to.
He'll fuck this up eventually and I'm gonna be the one getting hurt.

I did tell you about my poor taste in men, right?
It's not that I only met assholes in my life, but the men I usually meet are whores.
Or abusive. Or fucked up junkies.
So I decided a while ago that the only guy I can depend on is my brother. Who is a fucking man whore too, but I guess that comes with the territory of being the lead singer.

Just let me put it down like this: there's no fucking way I'm gonna choose Nikki Sixx over him. Not even for that mind blowing sex.
Damn, and how fucking mind blowing those orgasms were.

This is so fucking unfair. It's almost killing me. I want to think it's killing Nikki too but it's hard to tell because he's so sarcastic. Out of so many reasons I try to stay away from Nikki. And out of many other reasons I fail miserably.

A hand forcibly grabs my arm. "Don't you fucking dare run out on me again!" I hear Nikki slur right before he pulls me inside the bathroom, grabbing my hips and pushing me against the sink. "I swear Amy, my dick is going to fall off if I'm not inside you in a fucking second." his voice moans it's way up my neck.
Great, he's drunk.

I roll my eyes, "Come on Nikki, you're drunk." I try pushing at him but he doesn't move.

"Yeah..." he gives me a grin. "But just because I can't stop thinking about you. Please tell me you can't stop thinking about me either."

His words flow out like a gently rhythm. I don't get the chance to answer because his mouth comes down over mine. He kisses me deep and powerful, taking all the doubts away.

Nikki is my little heaven, the fantasy I can't have but want. He's like my own particular brand of heroin, When I'm with him, I forget that he can never be truly mine.
His kisses fog my mind, his body floods my heart and his presence makes me forget to breathe.

Thereýs nothing left to say.
The fact is I want Nikki as much as he wants me, wrong or right. And if being here with him is how this moment is going to go, then who am I to stop it? I haven't the will to resist him.

"Nikki..." my conscience tries again for a second. But even before his name leaves my lips, I'm fully under his spell.

His brows draw together. His eyes darken with anger. "Enough, Amy!"

He firmly shakes me. Nikki's voice is so hard and the words are said with so much force that it brings my whole body to attention.
Just those two words and I'm done. I love the way his commanding voice makes me feel.
Hot. Really fucking hot.
Heat is licking up and down my body. And I'm so wet that it's embarrassing.

"You're mine." He says low. "You belong to me." And his eyes carry the assurance of his words.

"Yes." I whisper and bring my lips to his.

Rough fingers climb my thigh, pushing down my pants. I lift my leg, hooking it around his hip, my heel digging into his ass. His fingers find me wet and waiting and he slants his mouth over mine at the exact moment that he pushes a finger inside me.

My back arches up, pushing my breasts into his chest. His other hand rips at my shirt and when he finally releases my breasts, he lowers his head, taking my nipple into his mouth.

"I need inside you so fucking bad." His deep voice rumbles through me.

"Here?" I ask.

"Yeah. Right here." He says with that sexy smirk on his face. "If I have to wait any longer I'm seriously gonna explode, Amy."

All my senses tell me to stop, but I can't. His hands feel so right on my body that I just can't fight it anymore.
Ignoring everything that's going on in my head, I grab his pants and push them down.

That's when hell breaks loose.

Within the second Nikki pushes into me, a moan escapes my throat and the bathroom door flies open.

"Fuck off it's occupied," Nikki snaps without looking.

But I look. What I see is my very angry brother standing right there. He's watching with hate and disgust as Nikki grinds into me.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Axl screams.

At that point Nikki turns around with a gaping jaw as Axl grabs him by his shirt and jerks him off me. I quickly cover myself.

"AXL NO!!!"

But it's too late Axl rears back and punches Nikki. It barely jars Nikki. He smirks and starts to stuff his dick in his pants, "I can take a stronger punch than that."

Axl grabs him by the front and pulls him down to his eye level. "I should kill you, you junkie piece of fucking shit! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

Nikki breaks free with a shove and backs closer to me, "Somebody that's in love with your sister."

"Nikki Sixx isn't capable of fucking loving anyone but himself!" Axl belts out.

Nikki shakes his head, "Amy changed all that."

Then I see Izzy and MJ in the doorway. There's no need for them to ask what's going on.
"Axl man, back off,"  Izzy calmly says as he tries to move Axl away. "He's telling you the truth. He's in love with her, and he's straight now. Neither one of us are on smack anymore."

Axl glares at Izzy, "You fucking knew about this shit and didn't tell me?! Fuck you Izz!"

"Look at how the fuck you act about shit man! Who the fuck can tell you anything anymore!? This is why I haven't even fucking told you I'm gonna be a fucking Dad!"  Izzy shouts quite loudly for Izzy.

Axl's tirade stops abruptly and he does a double take at Izzy. I think he heard Izzy but who can really be sure with Axl? "What?" He eventually asks.

Izzy just nods with a sigh, "Yeah. And you can't fucking fire Nikki because you didn't fucking hire him so don't waste your breath. MJ has a fucking headache and needs some fucking sleep! Can you postpone this fucking argument until morning?! Fuck man! Grow the fuck up! Cut the goddamn cord! Amy is fucking grown! She can protect herself just fucking fine now ok?! Just leave her the fuck alone! She doesn't need your fucking insane controlling and fucking smothering and paranoia and shit! And none of us wanna fucking hear that shit either!"

Axl looks at Izzy and his whole face starts to practically melt into something profoundly unreadable. "You're right Izz, I can't fire Nikki. But I can fucking send Amy home to Indiana!"

"No the fuck you can't!" I yell almost in a desperate plea.

Axl takes a step closer to me and the look of rage in his eyes returns,
"Bitch I did hire you," he growls lowly at me. I'm not even certain if anyone one else even heard. His eyes fall to Nikki's still half opened pants. "Hope you didn't catch something Ajax won't wash off. You have no fucking idea where that motherfucker has been? And you...." he points a stern finger at Nikki, "You better goddamn pray in your sleep for me not to kill you before you wake."

Then he takes a deep breath as his eyes fall on MJ's stomach. Maybe he's looking to see if he can tell she's showing now that he knows about the baby.

"Congratulations Izz," he softly mumbles just before he walks away.

Then we all take a deep fucking breath.

"Thank you Izzy," I say with tears in my eyes. I knew he wasn't ready to tell Axl about the baby because it was going to create hassles. He had no choice but to distract Axl with that information to keep him from trying to kill Nikki. Izzy's head just drops. He already knows that by morning the shit storm will be blowing in his direction too.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now